Powerfull martingale method - page 3


martingale ea

Hi,thats mean,that you not use ever martingale ea's if you want earn profit to your account.I'm just saying don't do the same misstake like me.With martingale i lost ower 5000€.


Not if you cut the lots of all losing trades when they get to a given DD.

Hi Giode,

If I can give you a little bit of mathematical help.

As you say forex is not predictable. But your method or results can be predicted in a 100% mathematical way.

In the same way if you go to a casino and play black or red on a roulette table, the outcome it is not predictable. In the same way It is a 5050% chance if price is going to go up or down.

You probably know if you play on a roulette, black or red (forget for a moment the zero) with a 50% probability, that one can have 15 consecutive times black or 15 consecutive times red in a row.


I see that your T/P is smaller then your S/L. That will automaticly lead to a positive hitrate that is even lower then 50%. You need to see it in the same way as one would change on a roulette table, 20 numbers that are black and only 16 numbers that are red. Then automaticly the hitrate will be lower then 50% if you play the red colour.

This means that your positive hitrate with your forex system that has a smaller S/L then the T/P will fall seriously under the 50% and will automaticly lead to the fact that you will have a far bigger possibility to have 15 consecutive losing trades.

This means if you start off with the same sequence as you show this would mean that you have the following sequence in contract size if you have 15 consecutive losing trades:
















16) 296.96 ??

Do you know somebody that can trade 296 full lots on the 16th trade ?...

And believe me there is no other mathematical way to look to your setup.

Friendly regards....iGoR

Agreed. Any pure Martingale don't stand a chance against consecutive losses...


Also ideally you would like to get retracements in a congestion market, but this system will blow your account if this situation happens!