Technical analysis (AUD /USD EUR /GBP EUR /JPY EUR/USD GBP/JPY GBP/USD USD /CH) - page 15

Thursday December 23 , 2010

the level of 1.30770 contain a strong support for the pair so the pair need to get more determined to breakthrough this level also the determined indicators support our expectations .

I disagree. The 1.30770 is going to be fairly easy to break through on the Eur/Usd.


Major Currencies Analysis 23/12/2010 FXCBS

Thursday December 23 , 2010

Major Currencies Analysis


We expect today that the pair Euro against the U.S. dollar will make a correction movement to the level 1.31800 first then to the level 1.32550 , the level of 1.30770 contain a strong support for the pair so the pair need to get more determined to breakthrough this level also the determined indicators support our expectations .

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

EUR/USD 1.31280 1.31538 1.32003 1.31189 1.30688 1.30404 1.29939


We expect today a correction movement for the pair Sterling against the U.S. dollar to the level 1.55000 then it may extend to the level of 1.55550, the support level 1.53850 was strong support in front of the pair , but we can still says that the general trend for the pair is bearish .

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

GBP/USD 1.54080 1.54553. 1.55174 1.54099 1.53418 1.53039 1.52418


The pair U.S. dollar against the Japanese Yen go down sharply yesterday , we expect this down side will continuo to the level 38.2% around the level 82.800 then if it can penetrate this level it may go down to 82.250.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/JPY 83.660 83.788 83.987 83.603 83.426 83.300 83.107


We may see today some fluctuation for the pair U.S. dollar against the Swiss Franc around the level of 0.95000 to get red from saturation which is seen through selling process on the determined indicators , then we expect the pair will continuo it’s falling down to the level 0.94500.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CHF 0.95400 0.95651 0.96048 0.95364 0.94924 0.94681 0.94282


We expect for the pair Australian dollar against the U.S. dollar will rise up to the level of 1.00550 then it will fall down in a correction movement, determined indicators supporting our expectation, we can see there is saturation in the purchasing process.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

AUD/USD 1.00039 1.00205 1.00477 0.99827 0.99709 0.99543 0.99271


We may see some fluctuation around the level of 1.01150 for the pair U.S. dollar against Canadian dollar to get red from the saturation in the selling process then we expect that the pair will fall down to the level of 1.00660 then 1.00200.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CAD 1.01475 1.01659 1.01961 1.01395 1.01107 1.00923 1.00621Major Currencies Analysis


Major Currencies Analysis 27/12/2010 FXCBS

Monday December 27 , 2010

Major Currencies Analysis


We expect today that the pair Euro against the U.S. dollar will decline to the level of 1.30940 then to the level 1.30550, stability of the trading below MA 50 support our expectation, and these expectations require stability of the trading below the level of 1.32500.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

EUR/USD 1.31274 1.31442 1.31710 1.31152 1.30940 1.30772 1.30497


We expect today a declining for the pair Sterling against the U.S. dollar to the level 1.53570 first then to the level 1.52900, stability of the trading for the pair below the MA 50 support our expectations, these expectations require stability of the trading below the main resistance point around the level of 1.55560.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

GBP/USD 1.54617 1.54843. 1.55214 1.54359 1.54167 1.53941 1.53570


We expect today a decline for the pair U.S. dollar against the Japanese Yen but these expectation require stability of the trading below the level of 83.600 and clear penetration for the level 82.300.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/JPY 82.945 83.170 83.160 82.940 82.748 82.659 82.512


We advice to monitor the price today for the pair U.S. dollar against the Swiss Franc, we can see that the pair could break through the main resistance point at 0.95830 and we can see that the pair still trading below the MA 50 and determined indicators still showing negative sign all of that lead us to wait and see what the pair will do today.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CHF 0.96401 0.96623 0.96990 0.96019 0.95999 0.95737 0.95370


We expect for the pair Australian dollar against the U.S. dollar will rise up to the level of 1.00550 then it will fall down in a correction movement, determined indicators supporting our expectation, we can see there is saturation in the purchasing process.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

AUD/USD 1.00039 1.00205 1.00477 0.99827 0.99709 0.99543 0.99271


The pair U.S. dollar against the Canadian dollar still trading below the level of MA 50 , determined indicators showing negative sign lead us to expect that the pair will decline to the target level at 1.0000 then to the level of 0.99250.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CAD 1.00862 1.01042 1.01337 1.00779 1.00502 1.00322 1.00027Major Currencies Analysis


Major Currencies Analysis 5/01/2011 FXCBS

Wednesday January 5 , 2011

Major Currencies Analysis


The pair Euro against the U.S. dollar declined yesterday after it couldn’t breakthrough the main resistance point at 1.34330, today we expect more declining for the pair to the level of 1.31800 then to the level of 1.31270, but we may see some fluctuation around the level of 1.32650 cause of the saturation in the selling process which is showing through determined indicators.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

EUR/USD 1.34020 1.34440 1.35067 1.33351 1.33080 1.32800 1.32137


Negative sign which is coming from determined indicators push the pair Sterling against the U.S. dollar to decline yesterday to the level of 1.55600, today we expect more decline for the pair to the level of 1.54750 then 1.54250 , these expectations require stability of the trading below the level of 1.56600 and clear penetration for the level of 1.55100.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

GBP/USD 1.55297 1.55710. 1.56391 1.55019 1.54471 1.54058 1.53377


We expect today a declining for the pair U.S. dollar against the Japanese Yen to the level of 81.000 then 80.560, stochastic indicators and the MA 50 supported our expectations, and these expectations require stability of the trading below the level of 82.300.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/JPY 81.957 82.183 82.560 81.468 81.460 81.281 80.904


We expect today a decline for the pair U.S dollar against the Swiss Franc to the level 0.93300, yesterday the pair continuo the corrective movement at 61.8% Fibonacci, the determined indicators showing now saturation in the purchasing process which may help the pair to achieve our expectations.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CHF 0.95370 0.95892 0.96779 0.94427 0.94400 0.93804 0.92917


We expect for the pair Australian dollar against the U.S. dollar will rise up to the level of 1.00550 then it will fall down in a correction movement, determined indicators supporting our expectation, we can see there is saturation in the purchasing process.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

AUD/USD 1.00039 1.00205 1.00477 0.99827 0.99709 0.99543 0.99271


The pair U.S. dollar against the Canadian dollar get red from the positive sign which was showed through determined indicators and retest the resistance point at 1.00000 , so we expect today a decline for the pair to the level of 0.99250.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CAD 1.00156 1.00480 1.01017 0.99778 099510 0.99186 0.98649

Major Currencies Analysis


Major Currencies Analysis 6/01/2011 FXCBS

Thursday January 6 , 2011

Major Currencies Analysis


We expect today that the pair Euro against the U.S. dollar will make a correction movement to retest the resistance level at 1.32400 before continuo it’s falling down to the level of 1.30800 then 1.30270.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

EUR/USD 1.32000 1.32597 1.33500 1.32000 1.30945 1.30397 1.29493


We may see today a some witness around the level of 1.55100 before it can continuo the declining which was started yesterday , today we expect that the pair will touch the level of 1.54400, stability of the trading below the level 1.56000 necessary to achieve these expectation .

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

GBP/USD 1.55627 1.56627. 1.56917 1.55307 1.54655 1.54168 1.53365


The determined indicators for the pair U.S. dollar against the Japanese Yen showing a saturation in the purchasing process , so we expect that the pair finish it’s correction movement and it will decline again today.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/JPY 83.658 84.069 84.766 82.835 82.830 82.425 81.728


The pair U.S. dollar against the Swiss Franc penetrate yesterday the critical resistance point at 0.96300 that push the pair to rise more today , but we can see a saturation in the purchasing process which will may cause some fluctuation for the pair around the level 0.96600 before rise up more .

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CHF 0.97175 0.97770 098787 0.96037 0.96037 0.95390 0.94373


We expect for the pair Australian dollar against the U.S. dollar will rise up to the level of 1.00550 then it will fall down in a correction movement, determined indicators supporting our expectation, we can see there is saturation in the purchasing process.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

AUD/USD 1.00039 1.00205 1.00477 0.99827 0.99709 0.99543 0.99271


We expect today that the pair U.S. dollar against the Canadian dollar will rise up to retest the level of 1.00000; determined indicators given positive sign lead us to expect that.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CAD 1.00156 1.00480 1.01017 0.99778 099510 0.99186 0.98649Major Currencies Analysis


Crosses Currencies Analysis 6/01/2011 FXCBS

Thursday January 6 , 2011

Crosses Currencies Analysis


Stochastic indicators for the pair Euro against the Sterling showing positive sign which may push the pair to rise up to the target of 0.84250 first then to the level of 0.85050, these expectations require a closing four hours candlestick above the level of 0.84000.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

EUR/GBP 0.84953 0.85141 0.85460 0.84953 0.84555 0.84359 0.84040


The pair Euro against the Japanese Yen still trading below the level of 127.2% Fibonacci , determined indicators still showing negative sign , all of that lead us to expect that the pair will decline more today , but we need clear penetration for the level of 108.500.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

EUR/JPY 109.803 110.143 110.712 109.240 109.121 108.781 108.212


Determined indicators for the pair Sterling against the Japanese Yen showing negative sign also strength indicator now around 70.000 so we expect that the pair will decline today to the level of 128.170 then 127.340, these expectations require a clear penetration for the level of 128.500.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

GBP/JPY 129.650 130.142 130.972 128.617 128.610 128.173 127.343

Crosses Currencies Analysis



Major Currencies Analysis 7/01/2011 FXCBS

Friday January 7 , 2011

Major Currencies Analysis


Determined indicators for the pair Euro against the U.S dollar showing saturation in the selling process and the main support level at 1.29660 may push the pair to make a corrective movement to retest the level of 1.30800, the price of the Euro against the U.S. dollar should be below this level to save the bearish direction for the pair.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

EUR/USD 1.32000 1.32597 1.33501 1.32000 1.30945 1.30397 1.29493


The pair Sterling against the U.S. dollar penetrate the support level at 1.54600 yesterday and stable under it , also the pair stable below the level MA 50 all of these lead us to expect more declining today but we may see some witness before that happen .

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

GBP/USD 1.55627 1.56114. 1.56917 1.55307 1.54655 1.54168 1.53365


Determined indicators for the pair U.S. dollar against the Japanese Yen showing saturation in the purchasing process, so we expect today that the pair will decline to the level of 82.300 first then 82.040.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/JPY 83.658 84.069 84.766 82.835 82.800 82.425 81.728


Determined indicators for the pair U.S. dollar against the Swiss Franc showing positive sign , but we can see that the strength indicators showing negative sign that lead us to expect some witness for the pair before it can continuo it’s bullish trend today .

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CHF 0.97175 0.97770 0.98789 0.96037 0.96020 0.95390 0.94373


Determined indicators for the pair Australian dollar against the U.S. dollar showing positive sign that may push the pair to rise up today to the level of 0.99660 then 1.00101.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

AUD/USD 1.00367 1.00585 1.01110 1.00101 0.99631 0.99313 0.98788


The pair U.S. dollar against the Canadian dollar so close from the level of 1.0000 which we refer for it yesterday , today we expect that the pair will decline to the level of 0.99250 , determined indicators support our expectations .

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CAD 0.99960 1.00050 1.00456 0.99707 0.99309 0.99062 0.98656

Major Currencies Analysis


Major Currencies Analysis 10/01/2011 FXCBS

Monday January 10 , 2011

Major Currencies Analysis


Last week the pair Euro against the U.S. dollar decline sharply and stabile below the level of MA50 to achieve the lowest level since three month ago, today we can see a positive sign showing through determined indicators on the four hours candlestick which may push the pair to rise up to retest the level of 1.29900 today before it can continuo it’s falling again, stability of the trading below this level necessary to save the bearish direction.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

EUR/USD 1.29390 1.29760 1.30280 1.29450 1.28800 1.28480 1.27960


Stochastic indicators for the pair Sterling against the U.S. dollar showing negative sign , these lead us to expect a declining for the pair today to the level of 1.54400 then to the level of 1.53800 , these expectation require stability of the trading below the level of 1.56200 and clear penetration for the level of 1.55100.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

GBP/USD 1.56060 1.56540. 1.57340 1.55130 1.55100 1.54620 1.53820


The pair U.S. dollar against the Japanese Yen trading in a narrow range , determined indicators given negative sign so we expect a decline for the pair to the level 82.590 first then to the level of 82.220.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/JPY 83.658 84.069 84.766 82.835 82.800 82.425 81.728


Determined indicators for the pair U.S. dollar against the Swiss Franc showing negative sign but the pair still trading above the level MA50 these lead us to monitor the price very well today , but in general we expect that the pair will decline today to the level of 0.96160 then 0.95730.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CHF 096950 0.97210 097650 0.96510 0.96500 0.96170 0.95730


Determined indicators for the pair Australian dollar against the U.S. dollar showing positive sign that may push the pair to rise up today to the level of 0.99660 then 1.00101.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

AUD/USD 1.00367 1.00585 1.01110 1.00101 0.99631 0.99313 0.98788


The pair U.S. dollar against the Canadian dollar still trading below the level of 1.0000 in addition to the saturation in the purchasing process which is showing through stochastic indicators , all of these lead us to expect a decline for the pair today to the level 0.99100 then 0.98630.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CAD 0.99960 1.00050 1.00456 0.99707 0.99309 0.99062 0.98656Major Currencies Analysis


Major Currencies Analysis 11/01/2011 FXCBS

Tuesday January 11 , 2011

Major Currencies Analysis


Determined indicators for the pair Euro against the U.S. dollar showing saturation in the purchasing process which is clear through the four hours candlestick, so we expect today a decline for the pair to the level of 1.28800 then to the level of 1.28000, these expectations require stability of the trading below the level of 1.29800.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

EUR/USD 1.29390 1.29760 1.30280 1.29450 1.28800 1.28480 1.27960


Determined indicators for the pair Sterling against the U.S. dollar showing saturation in the purchasing process so we expect a decline for the pair to the level 1.54450, this expectation require stability of the trading below the level of 1.56250.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

GBP/USD 1.56060 1.56540. 1.57340 1.55130 1.55100 1.54620 1.53820


We still expect that the pair of U.S. dollar against the Japanese Yen will decline to the target of 82.000, but we may see some fluctuation around the level of 83.000 before it will decline.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/JPY 83.658 84.069 84.766 82.835 82.800 82.425 81.728


The pair U.S. dollar against the Swiss Franc could stabile yesterday above the level of MA50 this level support the pair to rise up so we expect today a rising for the pair to the level of 0.97800 then 0.98250 , these expectations require stability of the trading above the level of MA50.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CHF 096950 0.97210 097650 0.96510 0.96500 0.96170 0.95730


Determined indicators for the pair Australian dollar against the U.S. dollar showing positive sign that may push the pair to rise up today to the level of 0.99660 then 1.00101.

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

AUD/USD 1.00367 1.00585 1.01110 1.00101 0.99631 0.99313 0.98788


The pair U.S. dollar against the Canadian dollar still trading below the level of 1.00000, we can see a positive sign coming from determined indicators it may push the pair to retest that level before it can decline .

Support & Resistance:

Pair R1 R2 R3 P S1 S2 S3

USD/CAD 0.99960 1.00050 1.00456 0.99707 0.99309 0.99062 0.98656

Major Currencies Analysis