Old story, same mistakes. - page 2


Ok. Lets try again:

Short gbp/usd @1.6250 sl 1.6285 tp 1.6075.


I got stopped out in both now im -5.17. I'm going long eur and gbp/usd 1.6281 st 1.6246 tp 1.6456


I'm feeling confident and relax. My system has holded up well even with a very choppy market . I'm projecting a break up and some retracement. The execution has been perfect and right where they should have been. I'm evaluating myself base on how well a follow my rules than the outcome(preventing outcome bias).

As right know, Thrd 5:25 pm east time, I'm up 17 pips and 2 pips in another. Waiting for the asian open and push those suckers up.


Update- 9:25pm** +35 pip and -20pips it has turn out almost a hedge position.


Update 10:17 pm** Finally, Bulls have stepped up and now +58 and +25 or 4.51% total.

Let see what the retail sales bring tomorrow.


update 7:55 am** I got stopped out a break even gbpusd and got 3.20% from my euro trade. So, I'm now just down -1.98%. I hope i can close this week in break even. I haven't had a negative week in months


update 9:04am** I'm up 48 pips or 2.10%. Back to positive lol lets see if this sucker hits my profit target today.


Opening a short position @1.6285 gbp/usd after better than expected retail sales.


It seems to me that you might be over-leveraged. If you drop your risk you might feel more at ease and in the zone. Anxiety ruins logical thinking...


Update 10:42 am** I'm up 71 pips. Profit target: 1.6100.


Trade open: +3.34%
