Simplest GBP/JPY System Ever - page 2


Can I get more details about Open_BuySell.mq4

Hi everyone,

I am new to Forex and MT4.. I am currently enjoying reading about all the different systems. I like this simple Open_BuySell.mq4 system and wanted to back tested. I don't understand what some of the parameters mean. Could someone help.



Sorry guys but I'm not sure I totally understand the concept here... Please advise.


Just curious if this thread is "dead", or if there will be more input?

Just curious if this thread is "dead", or if there will be more input?

I'm in the process of having an EA written to automate this strategy. Has anybody done any tests on this - if so could you post please? Do you have any copyright objections Dreamliner?


Here's the EA, ran a few tests couldn't make it profitable...

gpbjpy.ex4  6 kb