Daisy Chain Trading System - page 2


First entry of this week

I entered during the 4th candle bullish candle as the 1 min MACD came in line with the trend at about 8:12 CST - I shoot for 150 pips total across the basket and got it quick!


Next Free room at 12 noon est on tuesday - https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/320436650 - here is the link to sign up


Hi Guys,

Just wanted to share my latest results with the Daisy Chain.

Last night i lost -86pips, and in the Asian session i pinched +313pips, not to bad for the day so far.

Overall i am up over the 2000pip mark, if the last two weeks were as good as the first 2, then the results would be off the plantet! LOL

I am really liking this at the moment!!!



So where to begin

Having been conned before by some unscrupulous chaps I always feel a little uneasy when seeing results like those being posted.

Where do we go to try the system out and how much capital is needed for this system to work?





Having been conned before by some unscrupulous chaps I always feel a little uneasy when seeing results like those being posted.

Where do we go to try the system out and how much capital is needed for this system to work?



Pure Symmetry,

It is hard to get conned by something free - - I posted the link above to both the website and the free room - if you do not like it - you do not have to stay.

No system is perfect and we have had our losses, but out gains much out weigh them.

Capital requirements - I trade 1 mini per 1k in my account divided across the basket.

Our goal is to build a community of like-minded traders where everyone can get together to make us all successful.



Free Room


If you missed the free room today - it was a good thing - we suffered only our third loss since holding the sessions - but that does not make it feel any better.

Tomorrow is another day!



I hate to be a downer, but this system doesn't sound easy at all. Sounds extremely complicated, with much, much chart watching to boot. And, no stop losses? You've got to be kidding me?


Its okay

I hate to be a downer, but this system doesn't sound easy at all. Sounds extremely complicated, with much, much chart watching to boot. And, no stop losses? You've got to be kidding me?


This system is not for everyone, but it is not complicated. There is some chart watching involved, but that is forex - granted this system has 10 charts -haha.

I do not use a SL, but the basic system setup calls for one as mentioned in an earlier post.


I hate to be a downer, but this system doesn't sound easy at all. Sounds extremely complicated, with much, much chart watching to boot. And, no stop losses? You've got to be kidding me?

..1st page:


The standard SL strategy that is used is 50 for each USD pair and 75 for each JPY pair. That is what recommended for new traders.

Now that being said, I personally do not use SL and this is not something that I do not recommend to any new trader! In my opinion, SL is for traders that cannot maintain their objectivity throughout a trade or purely trade right off an entire system with fixed TPs and SLs. That way they can leave the computer and let the trade materialize.

I use combo of horizontal S/R and wave pattern to determine when I exit a trade. It is not gambling (as I have seen it stated elsewhere) to not use a SL if you now how to trade both ways. However, if emotions get the best of the trader or have a fixed system - then a SL is the only way to go.

Thanks again,


Be aware

It might be of interest to know that the entire thread over at Babypips was deleted by admin due to the fact that the daisy chain guy is a scammer...

Iwasn't one of the victims, but when I saw this thread I felt that you should know so you have all the info before going with this.

Go ahead and jump on me, I'm just telling you what happened on Babypips.