Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1369

stop out 6220 tp 53p () ()

later week no. 6199, was signal buy------

thought he'd been giving away free 50 euro dollar notes again

Bernanke "speaks" yet again tonight, so something to look forward later

it could be worse i suppose

and at least Europe's open for business

USA did (and does) whatever they could to be weaker (they successfully stopped Yen from doing that as successfully) and there comes Draghi that thinks that in an economy that depends on exports the currency should be strong(er)? Either he does not know anything (which I doubt) or he thinks that we do not know anything and that he can do whatever he wants (which is almost sure)


Funny : it seems that lately the trading is all about psychological levels (now 1.36 is a resistance). Are we becoming mentals

stop out 3509 tp 20p, later week no. 3509 3525, 3529 was signal buy------- ()()

stop out 3599 tp1 90p, tp2 74p, tp3 70p () ()

:) USA did (and does) whatever they could to be weaker (they successfully stopped Yen from doing that as successfully) and there comes Draghi that thinks that in an economy that depends on exports the currency should be strong(er)? Either he does not know anything (which I doubt) or he thinks that we do not know anything and that he can do whatever he wants (which is almost sure)

funny game - the Euro up or down on thin air even though they say exactly the same as they have for the last 3 yrs

the average Joe has no idea why the markets move and just believes everything on the News

although not sure i do either sometimes

if they just carry on the charade no-one will catch on and aslong as they make house prices rise, nearly everyone will be happy

wonder what the Bernank has to say later?

later week no. 6199, was signal buy------

stop out 6245 tp 46p

funny game - the Euro up or down on thin air even though they say exactly the same as they have for the last 3 yrs

the average Joe has no idea why the markets move and just believes everything on the News

although not sure i do either sometimes

if they just carry on the charade no-one will catch on and aslong as they make house prices rise, nearly everyone will be happy

wonder what the Bernank has to say later?
wonder what the Bernank has to say later?

Same as Mario. Nothing

They are so used to doing nothing that it is their second nature by now

stop out 6245 tp 46p

day point gu--6235+up trend, 6220-down tend, 6228+-up/down trend, eu----3598+up trend, 3580 -down trend, 3589+-up/down trend have anice green day ()

day point gu--6235+up trend, 6220-down tend, 6228+-up/down trend, eu----3598+up trend, 3580 -down trend, 3589+-up/down trend have anice green day ()

day point gu----6235, 6228, 6220, was signal sell------- ()()

day point gu--6235+up trend, 6220-down tend, 6228+-up/down trend, eu----3598+up trend, 3580 -down trend, 3589+-up/down trend have anice green day ()

day point eu---3598, 3589, was signal sell-------3590 tp1 (8p, )tp2 be, later day point 3589 was signal buy-----3604 tp 15p