Some terms and PR technologies - page 2




- Ya Lobstarr.

It is very popular internet language now.

Very similar with Cthulhu language (Padonki variation).

Example of Ya Lobstarr internet language.

I remember few years ago one journalist asked Mr Putin (he was the President of Russian in that time) on press conference in English language:

How do I patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?

Ya Lobstarr internet language is using for:

- disorientation of the other members;

- just for fun;

- to explain about mistake in very easy way.




- Preved

It is the other internet language similar to Padonki language and existing independently but without negativity in words.

Preved - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How to speak?

It is some kind of Padonki language with changing the letters in the word:

'o' changed to 'a' and opposite;

changed some consonant letters on the end of the word;

and so on.

The general rules of Preved is the following:

"I am writing in the way as I hear it".

Something in English:

CONTEXT - This Week in Arts and Ideas from The Moscow Times

- lytdybr.

It is the subj on the forum (posts or threads) in the way of journal (trading journal for example; or trading signals thread).

It is the English language in Preved way of posting.

Example of lytdybr language on the forum:

Whowryou? Thangz for lytdybr.


Translation from Preved language:

How are you? Thanks for trading journal.



I did not want to start this thread. But I see that some members were stucked with some PR people on the forum and asking the admin to ban some PR guys.

Now you understand: banning is not the decision of the problem. If someone or some group of people started their illegale PR campaign on the forum so they will not stop it just because of banning.

They will stop when we all will be united and if we will not feed the trolls.

I hope this thread will help.

That's all news.




- Padonki.

synonym: "Albanian" language (My comment: it is nothing with Albanian language at all).

It is some well-known type of posting on the forum.

Word came from Russian language.

Well-known in Russian and American internet.

Padonki = riff-raff, scoundrel, scum.

It is very usual and very interesting kind of posting style on the forum.

Padonki - Padonki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Usually the Padonki are the members who are identifying themself as the riff-raff (just as the joke) to post the subj with good meaning but with the changing of the words spelling.

Author of this term spreading/distribution (Padonki) is american scottishtiger from Takoma, Washington, D.C - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Soldier Boy

So, this guy is very famous now

When in livejournal one Russian made long post in Padonki way in Russian language so scottishtiger asked "I cannot read that text. Please speak English. I know you that you are bi-lingual. After all, aren't ALL foreigners?".

One Russian said that it is "Albanian language".

After that it was explained that it is Lolcat language ...

It is well-known story posted on wikipedia with the links.

After that many websites with teaching "Albanian" proposals were created.


Jokes slogans:

- don't teach me Albanian please!

- we all understand Albanian so what?


Most often the Padonki are using Internet meme language: Internet meme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and Lolcat language: Lolcat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Examples of Padonki posts on our forum:

summitfx dont you realy know how to read ....? you are aborn Idiot ...... with too much gogleling with ****** head ........ hahahhahaaaa
VANDERFULL!!! Cheeeers

In some countries there are some criminal laws against Padonki language. By the way some famous people are still using it. For example, Madonna in her journal and some poiltics Vladimir Zhirinovsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which are making the speech in the way as

"I am Padonki riff-raff - same with you all".

So, the Padonki almost lost the initial negativity and for now: it is simple but very hard flooding of the forum.



- Flooding: Internet Relay Chat flood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Crapflooding: Internet Relay Chat flood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CTCP flood: Client-to-client protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

DCC flood: Direct Client-to-Client - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ICMP flood: Internet Control Message Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Message flood: Sending lots of private messages to the victim

Notice flood.

Invite flood: Sending lot of invites

Nick flood: Changing the nick as fast as possible

Connect flood: Connecting and disconnecting from a channel as fast as possible, therefore spamming the channel with dis/connect messages

Version flood: Sending many requests

Now we understand: Black and other PR guys fully know what they are doing. They know everything which I am posting here. because it is their science and it is their job.

We should know it because they all are around.

Moderators are banning the members for flooding.

And flooding is the very often happened on the forum so I am quoting the above posts now because of that.

More interesting is Crapflood:

It involves posting large amounts of posts or one very long post with repetitive text. It can also involve text with no meaning or no pertinence to the current discussion. This type of flood is most commonly achieved by copying and pasting one short word repeatedly.

The person who is making the flood is flooder. And the other members of the forum are victims (it is official terms).

Example for today:

2 members were banned for flooding. The other member was not banned (he is making 4 - 5 useless short posts on many threads with useless repeated words) - one he will "cross the line" - he will be banned with no discussion.


Next time - we will discuss (with the examples) about

Opinion Leaders.

First of all we should decide: which kind PR we all want to see on the forum. It is easy to recognize the particular PR Opinion Leader. If the forum does not need some kind of PR so it is easy to identify some Opinion Leader and ban him for example.

In same cases the forum may have some dangerous situation when:

Opinion Leaders "without job".

Opinion Leaders are in permanent informational hungry condition. They need the information. If they do not have information so they started to act against the forum itself.

It is Opinion Leaders "without job".



- leecher:

From wiki:

being a leech or leecher refers to the practice of benefiting, usually deliberately, from others' information or effort but not offering anything in return, or only token offerings in an attempt to avoid being called a leech. In economics this type of behavior is called "Free riding" and is associated with the Free rider problem.

The name derives from the leech, an animal which sucks blood and then tries to leave unnoticed. Other terms are used, such as "freeloader", but leech is the most common.

Opinion Leaders is very interesting subject/topic for the discussion. It is very very interesting. Because what is the forum without Opinion Leaders? It is the prison. What is the forum with no Opinion Leaders "without job"? Some kind of authoritarianism ... In this case - the forum should be developed by owners' decisions only and fully finance by them for every single post on the forum. So, it is authoritarianism with oligarchism Because no one will develop the forum for free in this case.

Leecher. It is very interesting subject too. Many programmers and idea creators/developers complained a lot about it so it may be good to discuss it by next posts too.


Some classical example of flooding: .

Someone is the flooder, and we all are victims.

On this thread one very reputable member posted the question hoping to start good discussion about something he found (first post of the thread).

Flooder replied: "live statement or your life please".

Next post of flooder: "and then what?...give me a reason"

Next post of flooder: "I am already famous..."

and next one: "May be I can keep you as a slave?"

and next: "good one"

and so on.

Two pages by flooding!

And everybody forgot the reason why one member opened this thread, about future discussion which was not started yet ...

So, this thread was killed by flooder in the very beginning.

If you see any flooding message, or someone is going to "kill" your thread, or turn the discussion to his own way by flooding so report about it to moderators immediately using Contact Us forum on the bottom of any page Forex-TSD - Contact Us

Please note: your report in this case will be official one (in contradiction ith PM with PM which is Private Message only).

It is totally useless to discuss with any flooder about "why are you doing it?", "please stop flooding" and so on. By replying on those questions - the flooder will became a troll.

What is the different between the flooder and the troll?

Flooder is acting against the people/members, against the community.

Troll is acting against the business itself.

To say the true - more correct term is trolling (instead of troll).

To say the true more (more true) - it is very difficult to recognize about who is troll and who is not ...

because we can mistakenly mark the member as the troll just because he is expessing his positive or negative emotions in very high/hard way. But expressing the emotions in any way - it is not a trolling ...

So, it is difficult something to know who is who.

By the way, this word


came from the

trolling for newbies

and this kind of PR (trolling) was invented in the beginning of 1990s.

Example (quoting) from here:

Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Donath, 1999, p. 45:

Trolling is a game about identity deception,

albeit one that is played without the consent of

most of the players. The troll attempts to pass

as a legitimate participant, sharing the group’s

common interests and concerns;

the newsgroups members, if they are

cognizant of trolls and other identity deceptions,

attempt to both distinguish real from trolling postings,

and upon judging a poster a troll, make

the offending poster leave the group.

Their success at the former depends on

how well they — and the troll — understand

identity cues; their success at the latter

depends on whether the troll’s enjoyment is

sufficiently diminished or outweighed by

the costs imposed by the group.


But where are the Opinion Leaders on our TSD forum?

It is very easy to know.

Go to this section Trading systems - Forex-TSD and see:

- CatFx50

- Brain Systems

- Ema Cross

- Harmonic trading

- The "XO"-Method

- Phoenix

- Dolly

- Digital Filters

- News/Signal Trading

- Martingale/Average Cost and Hedging

We can easy see on those sections about who were/are the main members for idea creating, and/or programming, and/or testing and so on.

They are Opinion Leaders.


We see on the forum when the moderators are asking: "which thread/system to be a section"?

So, it is not only related to very popular threads. It is related to some personalities. I mean: this question can be "translated" onto the normal real language as the following:

"which members are fully ready to be Opinion Leaders so we, moderators/admins, can create some good working condition for them and proceed accordingly creating the sections for them, helping with programming for them and so on"?

In this way:

Opinion Leaders "without job" (Hidden Leaders) can be transfered/turned onto Opinion Leadership.

Some members can say:

"many Opinion Leaders left the forum and they are not supporting their sections anymore. So, what are you going to do?".

First of all - it is really the tragedy when any Opinion Leader (or any Hidden Leader) are leaving the forum. Irrespective of anything. It is very bad. Because any job of any Opinion Leaders are not related to any payment: owners are not spending any money to pay to them.

But life is life so ... if this happened - some other members can support those "forgoten" sections to be Opinion Leaders.

Example with this section Phoenix - Forex-TSD

Hendrick left. It is his section.

daraknor started to support.

Because if all Opinion Leaders will leave the forum - the forum will be dead.

Or the owners will pay for any free public development in this way :

authoritarianism with oligarchism

Opinion Leaders and Hidden Leaders are the Elite of the forum. It is impossible to make any development and any forum service including commercial service without their direct participation in it.

Opinion Leadership and Hidden Leadership are not connected with any bad/good relationship with moderators/admins: the member can critisize mods/admins hardly in public places, but this member can be Opinion Leader or Hidden Leader having all the respects of modes/admins/members on the same time.

Now we understand: if moderator is banning some member only because he said some bad words about him - this moderator is not so professional to develop the forum in such as condition which we had, have and will have on the future.

It is strange but it is the true.


On the few next posts (next days) - we will discuss about what moderators/admins/owners should do to keep Opinion Leaders and/or Hidden Leaders inside the forum.

More to follow.

PS. I just want to say that what I am describing here in very short way - it is my personal experience: any moderator of any forum (or any owner of any forum) can use this knowledge. I can place more details if necessary. If it helps for the members of the forum to understand something about the forum development, and if it will help to some people to understand moderation job in general so it may be very good in any way. Because this topic is fully related to the next topic which I am going to discuss too:

How to sell your system/indicator/EA on any forex forum.

I mean: without such a knowledge which I am posting here - it is fully impossible (very difficult) to sell any system on forex forums. So, if this topic will help to commercial vendors too - it will be very good.