EA for Fault Tolerance


Companies that rely on their data for day-to-day operations know how important uptime is. If the ability to access their data goes away then they stand to lose big money. Due to this fact, companies that rely on their data in this way utilize methods known as fault tolerance, redundancy and disaster recovery. These are the buzz words in the industry today.

I don't know about all of you, but I consider my trading to be EXTREMELY important. I currently trade with an EA and the EA that I use is very good (this is not an advertisement in any way for the EA and I will not discuss it here). The thing that keeps me up at night is the VPS. Due to the way my EA trades, if my VPS was to reboot at night or lose connectivity then that "could" cause MAJOR problems for my, and my clients', accounts.

My name is Lee and I'm an IT guy. I have an idea to make my system have fault tolerance utilizing 2 VPS's at 2 separate providers. If the lights go out at my primary VPS provider then the secondary VPS picks up where the primary left off. I have a networking and systems background and a good idea of what is needed to implement the plan. My goal is to first implement it for my specific EA and then take what we've produced and make it modular so that anyone can use it for any EA eventually. What I DON'T have is MQL experience so I need to partner with a developer or two in order to pull this off. I'm very good at documenting projects like this (I'm sure CodersGuru can vouch for me on that).

If this has already been accomplished, please accept my apologies and I'd appreciate a point in the right direction. If not, and any programmers would like to discuss the possibilities further then I'll continue the discussion.

Constructive criticism is welcome from all!

Just to reiterate... I know all about autologon, automatically starting MT4 and all of that. I'm a pro at it That's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking to be able to provide a secondary VPS that totally takes over the operation in the event it detects a failure in the primary. I know what some of you are thinking; "why don't you just get a VPS at a provider that specifically hosts MT4? They are always up." Well, this statement just isn't true. You go to any of those VPS providers and they tell you clearly that they can NOT guarantee 100% up time during trading hours and are not liable for any losses incurred due to any unforseen down time.

Take care all and I hope we have a great discussion on this topic! In short, think of this as an insurance policy project. I'm bringing the idea to the table... I hope that we can all build it together.
