Worldwide Recession - page 2


Just wondering one thing. It is said that what is earned somewhere in fx is lost somewhere else.

Now, I've read the same thing about the global economy (when one lose, another one earns) but here we are with a global recession where everyone is losing. So could it be that same thing happen with fx where we will all lose for sometime.

Maybe it's pure theory. Could there be such a thing as a global forex recession ? Did it ever happen ?


So the crisis and the recession for the Fx traders are just indicators to understand the market movement? I mean it depends on the trader preparation to get how volatile can be the market during these days ?.. Am I wrong?


I think it's even harder to find the right news to care about. Few days agos, difficulties with the new zealand currency strenghtened the dollars, then weakened EURUSD.

And that was obviously a news I missed as I was more caring about things like employment, rates,... in the US and eurozone.