ElectricSavant applies for a bail-out package with Paulsen


Dear Mr. Treasury Secretary,

I have suffered greatly from the economic climate of late. I have lost over half of my account trading Retail Spot Forex over the last three years. It has been a slow journey trying to cope with the problems of the US economy and the dishonesty of the various dealers of currency.

I need an injection of capital to fortify my trading account because I am a much better trader now.

Thank you in Advance for your public service.


P.S. I have enclosed a remittance envelope for your convienience. Simply enclose your check for 13K.



Dear Mr. Treasury Secretary,

I have suffered greatly from the economic climate of late. I have lost over half of my account trading Retail Spot Forex over the last three years. It has been a slow journey trying to cope with the problems of the US economy and the dishonesty of the various dealers of currency.

I need an injection of capital to fortify my trading account because I am a much better trader now.

Thank you in Advance for your public service.


P.S. I have enclosed a remittance envelope for your convienience. Simply enclose your check for 13K.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that the home builders want to

dip their hands in the money pie. They're only asking for $230 billion.

That's just what we need: more inventory for a shrinking market.




I think we're still waiting for who was on that christmas loan of 3trillion dollars.


ES you are my hero.


LOL! That's hilarious bro, hilarious.


I would add the following sentence:

"You may think my little micro-mini account is small, but it's a vital part of the U.S. financial system. Like the big banks and auto companies, my forex trading activities are simply too big to fail."


The govmt should give each individual 1 Million USD, at least its cheaper than spending over a Trillion USD since the US population is less than a trillion by a mile. Imagine all the spending people will be doing to spruce up the economy.

Or how about inhjecting that money into our retirement accounts, we will all work until the day we die at the rate its going....

I heard that the people does not know what Obama is doing and neither does he know himself.