Stan Weinstein - page 2

"Secrets for Profiting in a Bull or Bear Market" was I think the first book on trading I read about 15 years ago. I still have a copy and can remember Stans approach like it was yesterday.

Even today I can see there is value in his book.

The Big Picture.....

If you like to read this ebook, you can download at here



I have read the book over the weekend, have not responded yet as there is a lot there and its something every one interested in trading should read. (I have also read the link to the website in your post). How ever one should keep in mind that this book was writen before the internet and computors were out of puberty. The times and tools have changed in the pass 20 years. what use to take hours to do now takes milliseconds, at a fraction of the cost. some of the things in the book are out dated and should be viewed in the current times. What was not profit able or possible then may be now. Things have changed, just look at daytrading and scalping these were only possible to floor traders then now it can be done at any computer on the internet. I beleive that the way things are done today will also change in the future and it will not be 20 years for new changes to take place.

To go any deeper in to this book, I would have to start at my very basic market beleifs and explain my views of the market and its price actions before I could go any further. That would take some time, not to mention they are very personal to me as my beleifs are my road map to the markets my business plan so to speack, which may not be similar in nature to yours.




Thanks for the link.


How ever one should keep in mind that this book was writen before the internet and computors were out of puberty. The times and tools have changed in the pass 20 years. what use to take hours to do now takes milliseconds, at a fraction of the cost. some of the things in the book are out dated and should be viewed in the current times. What was not profit able or possible then may be now. Things have changed, just look at daytrading and scalping these were only possible to floor traders then now it can be done at any computer on the internet. I beleive that the way things are done today will also change in the future and it will not be 20 years for new changes to take place.


Hi all!

Thx for some more food on the subject, its a pleasure to talk about what i like.

To give my insight on the thing, we can say that yes, computer have change the way trade are done, some wave take off so fast now that even "insiders" can be caught on it.

What's kept alive over there is PRICE ACTION, that repeat itself over and over. As matching high give a int on reverse, or 50% retracment after a big move. 1 min to monthly TF, it works.


May i include more info not directly on mister Stan subject but still in Fx world and also about clean chart!!*

It been call: NO BRAIN TRADE. Why so i make any relation whit this thread, its because it joint mister stan study whit some of the basic of trading: Supply and Demand.

Price make is step 1 let say in a "buy" zone = where price been push back up many times in past. Then leave step 1 top get into step 2, leaving the buy zone to get a next R. Then price stop there to make step 3. Step 4 will be next wave of seller, who most of the time stop at 50% fibs.

PLz guys have a look at this tech witch respect the art of clean chart, and also logic trading. Let's forget about all those indic that give me headic. I should have almost a thousand here, and havent found the holy grail. Obviously, those are beautiful, but they don't give you move of 100 pips and more.

I'll include the pdf here about this NO BRAIN TRADE.

Hope you like it.



Full tech: No Brainer Trades: Trading Strategy

Thread: No Brainer Trades

Some vid on the blog: No Brainer Trades: Videos


Some fancy pics................

fancy.jpg  114 kb

a question

inzider,is that your trading system on MT4 platform based on Stan Weinstein's theory?Could you post the template and indics around here for us to play.....


4 your pleasure!

I include spudFibs that give daily Fibs, its not over the template since i found it makes to much line. Add it if you feel it usefull. Session indic tell you when Asia - red, London - gray, Usa - bleu, starts/end.

Take care

basic.jpg  100 kb
mt4.rar  29 kb
It's a pleasure to give a little to this community.

To be exacte, not much can be say about that book over forex market. The major concept into that book is the 4 stage analysis. Range, trend, range, trend.

Exept that, mister Stan proposition is to use volume peak to confirm breakout, and rsi need to be over /under 50 level.

Since forex market got no volume, this part can't be applied. RSI setting are subjective since no market or TF act the same.

All other chapter are about how to choose a good stock and some chart pattern setup.


I made a quick chart to show you how this technic had work over eur/usd this 'morning".

We can clearly see all 4 stage over it.


Wow......your screen shot on in this post

toke me by supprize as this is exactly what I been working on, I have no knowledge of this book but will read it this weekend for sure.

If you look at the screen shot in this post, subject is on different topic, but check out the back ground sean.

and a different screen shot of a more current development

I am trying to make this a machanical process where the user is not appling any subjectivity to drawing of the tread lines. Theres 3 levels of trending as extracted from Mr, Dow's work and some idears taken from Trader Vic. I have just about worked it out. Your screen shot that shows the rangeing areas are exactly correct but not quite at the correct levels. these can be deteremined machaincially and its range can be used to see if you want to trade its ups and downs, The trend and rangeing areas can be determinded realy close machanically. Also if using different levels of trending one can see if a break of a minor tread in relation to the major trend, the distance that is, is great enough for a countertrade positions back to the major trend and if it may be profitable to take it.

as for volume I think I developed something in the pass that can take the place of it I believe I posted this screen shot in the pass, but could not find it so I'll reposted it here. it called the WildCat after a mountain range up at Pinkim Notch NH that way up in the White Mountains. Natural snow for you sky buffs.

Dont have any more time will get back after reading the book