School of Pimpology - page 116

FX Pimp:

If you're interested in working alongside us then I will try and compensate you in some way as a gesture of goodwill.

Thanks but no thankyou.

FX Pimp:

If you would be so kind to post your email address then I will ensure you are removed from any further promotional material.

LOL I only emailed you personally at for the template now I'm on your Company's promotional campaign.

Are you going to removeALL the people's email addresses that emailled you personally, for the template only, which now appear on your company's database?

FX Pimp:
That's all I want to say about business. This is a free resource site. Let's keep it that way



Lilac Who?


It would appear LilacFloyd is the only unhappy person on the thread here. Let's not waste anymore energy on her.

And if she quotes my post here with another comment. Ignore it.

Sorry, Lilac. Pimp apologised. Move on.


LOL I only emailed you personally at for the template now I'm on your Company's promotional campaign.

ps. Don't forget to delete the free template you accepted.


Morning All

Not even going to humour the people out to rubbish me or what I do.

If you like this then carry on reading, if you don't the go away and get on with your own thing.

I'm not about to get drawn into some silly dispute over the rights or wrongs of emailing people from my hotmail account.

Like I said, post your address and I will stop.

It's not like I am out to rob anyone. I am here to help, but time costs money at some point so let's not lose sight of that.

Swiftly moving on to the job at hand, the post of yesterday proved fruitful with EURUSD doing the business in great style to the tune of 200 pips.

This morning so far we have seen some pretty tidy recoveries which look like they could be sustained after a few reds.

That's what I will be looking for later, a long Cable, Euro, and $JPY.

In the immediate term the one that interests me most for a possible quick 50 or so would be the dollar yen.

Having recovered some 250pips from the low of yesterday she now finds herself banging her head against the weekly pivot and daily R1 at 95.62

I am pretty confident these levels will be tested again later but for now it looks as if the stream has run out a little bit.

I'm taking a little short here with a tight stop the other side of the WP and DS1 and will be targeting 95.00 initially.

Have a great morning

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Singing And Dancing

Dear Pipsters,

What the heck is going on? I have only been away a couple of days and the really cool vibe we had going on this thread has suddenly vanished. Sorry folks but time for a reality check.......

Thousands of sites, thousands of posts, plenty of systems and plenty of sharks. Read many posts, visited many sites, had plenty of so called systems thrown in my direction, had 'training' from so called experts (sharks and scammers), but on this thread only one thing - good old integrity.

We are all entitled to our opinion - So I am going to have mine. Zak (aka Le Pimp) you are the man! I have been in business over 25 years, bought and sold many companies and have meet some really interesting people along the way. I am new to trading (OK so you already know that). Zak has poured himself in to this thread and given FREELY advice and support. I have made pips from his advice. I have made pips from his suggestions. I have made pips!

Frankly fellow pipsters, I am bored with the negativity and the so called constructive input from some of the posters on the thread. If you got nothing interesting or positive to say then Buzz Off, and go moan elsewhere. So what you got an email. So what you didn;t want it; just delete the message and drop a line to the sender requesting they take you off the mailer. Simple. No singing and dancing. No big tantrum. Just a measured and controlled response. The type of response you would take as a trader - controlled and measured. Zen baby, Zen.....

I am now going to rid the world of Spam - Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam oh Wonderful Spam.......

Monty Python Rockie

p.s. Dear Le Pimp, I have benefitted from your benevolance on this thread and continue to benefit from your guidance and support. Thank you and please keep up the posting your public awaits!


Afternoon All

A nice little 120 pips of profit available for the takers of the USDJPY short in this morning's post, so off to a positive start.

I only managed to get 60 out of it, but quite happy with that.

This afternoon looks quite interesting.

I have an order set on USDJPY for a long above that same Weekly Pivot resistance now at at 95.70.

The EURUSD looks quite good to the upside too with a possible break of the 1.2565 level.

I also have an order to go long if that level breaks.

Followers of the thread will also understand that IF USDJPY and EURUSD are travelling in the same direction, that EURJPY will probably move up aggressively.

I am going long at 120.05

Keep an eye on brent crude. If it breaks $63.00 I will be going long and targeting the weekly pivot.

Have a good afternoon.


Pips By the Gallon

Dear pipsters,

It offical - I love Dow Jones Esq. Tonight, I was lucky enough to be sat in front of my PC and watched a perfect set up form. Who managed to get on board the Dow Jones train leaving the Platform at 8604 and arrived home at 9077 for a gain of +473 pips........My best ever single trade. I even had a small s/l at 8580.

Things have just taken off - pips everywhere; I just grabbed Mr Jones, but there were pips on cable, eu, u/j, ftse, dax - there were just here in handfuls.

Pimp - I hope you still had your couple of orders still open - I think it was long e/u and long u/j. An early bit of festive cheer.

Off for a small glass of something nice.....

Dowger Rockie

FX Pimp:
I have an order set on USDJPY for a long above that same Weekly Pivot resistance now at at 95.70.

The EURUSD looks quite good to the upside too with a possible break of the 1.2565 level.

I also have an order to go long if that level breaks.

Followers of the thread will also understand that IF USDJPY and EURUSD are travelling in the same direction, that EURJPY will probably move up aggressively.

I am going long at 120.05

Keep an eye on brent crude. If it breaks $63.00 I will be going long and targeting the weekly pivot.

4 Possible trades and 900 possible pips.

Not bad for the first in the series of my afternoon posts.

Had you taken all 4 and the jpy of the morning's post then there was a 1000 point day for you.

I hope this shuts up the doubters of my integrity.

Anyway, quick one this morning.

Long Euro

Long Cable

Short Swiss



good afternoon all.

apologies for not getting the entry levels on the trades of this morning. It was a bit of a mad rush as the action had already started but there was a good 200 plus pips available had you hit the buttons as I posted this.

Unlikely but will try to get on a little bit earlier from now on.

This afternoon looks interesting with a possible hundred to come from cable if it breaks the little black resistance line I have drawn.

The target area would be the weekly pivot.

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something like that

This was the trade set-up I referrered to this afternoon.

Nothing too major. Just a quick 117 pips with the order being triggered at 1.6106 and target, as suggested at the weekly pivot point.

The trades have been flowing thick and fast both here and in the live room. If you'd like to try a session in the live room then PM me with your email address and I will get it set up for you.

Happy days are here again !!!

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