School of Pimpology - page 60


Combination Charts

I have said before that for this template, each of these timeframes may be used alone, but they have been specially designed to also allow you to use them in conjunction with one another to see the bigger picture.

Personally I like to do both but I definately have more success with the latter so I will share it with you.

Below I have put together numerous combinations of chart for you to consider using.

There's the 1m/15m, the 5m/60m, the 60m/daily and the 4hr/weekly.

This basically means you are playing a 60m game but using a 5m entry, or you are playing a weekly game with a 4hr entry.

There's no magic to it, but as you can see, just by simply sliding a couple of CCI's out of view one can see three timeframes of CCI to confirm direction prior to jumpining in.

On the 5m/60m you would keep the 63 and 252 visable with the trigger too.

To save doubling up you would hide the 21 on the 60m chart as that's also the 252 on the 5m (12 x 5m periods in 60m / 12 x 21cci = 252cci)

There's no need to show the trigger in the bottom chart either as that is already displayed in the top chart. (60m 5CCI trigger is 15m 21CCI, which is 63 on 5m chart. 3 x 5m periods in 15m / 3 x 21CCI = 63CCI)

Try it out and experiment. You may want a 4hr with a 5m entry or a daily with a 15m entry.

Playing the weekly with a 1m entry is a little extreme but IT CAN BE DONE.

Like I say before, after the entry perhaps change the top chart to one timeframe above the bottom chart and you may be in for some good pips.

Let's say you are playing 5m/60m. Get in on the 5m then change that chart to a 4hr (1 timeframe above bottom chart).

1. You won't get scared out.

2. It may just keep going for 500 pips and you were going to collect 20

Of course, if you prefer to play just one chart then that is fine too. Tell me to shut up and I will leave you to it.

Plenty of positive feedback by way of email and private message so far which is encouraging.

Would like to see more feedback here thought please. Let's get this show rocking now. Christmas is on it's way and I am in need of getting my goose stuffed !

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All your hard work is much appreciated. The potential of these new templates could be awesome.

Kind regards Barry


Thanks Pimp for all!


FX Sniper's T3 CCI Alert.mq4 = cci + FX Sniper's CCI

If Ma=0 ... FX Sniper's T3 CCI = CCI

I use Ma 4


Trend line touch alert ... need name trendline with first letter c

Included setup for all tf

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Could u please explaine:

Long used %

Short used %



Could u please explaine:

Long used %

Short used %







its no important, only info ... I do not short or very carefully, if short used > 70%


Pimp! - You're a genious!!!!

Zak you are a genious!!!


Thanks for all your hard work here mate!!!


Same as yesterday ?

How about this then?

Same story as this time yesterday.

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CCI Pattern

Sometimes, like now we can draw patterns and trendlines on our CCI

Take a look at this 60m CCI on the 15m chart (84)

It's symmetrical triangle time.

This is the break south that I was hoping for. Will we get it?

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Oooooooooooh. Is it that time of week again already?

Only seems likr yesterday I was almost choking to death in the Chernobyl burger-den !

Have been tied-up with lots of other bits and pieces over the last few afternoone and this will continue for a few weeks. However, Cako will be away from next wekk so I will have to man the fort for a couple of weeks whilst he enjoys his Turkish mud-bath tour with his lovely wife.

Then I'm off to sunny Spain as many of you know.

Aaaanyways, onto today.

Gold and Crude not playing ball at all yesterday and instead having a very bad hair day, the pair of them.

Cable did the business for us though, falling 130 pips, which was good.

Today looks a little uncertain.

Gold is STILL beneath the daily 20ema we've been talking about all week but keeps knocking on the $836 door.

Crude is a mess to be honest and simple could go anywhere.

We have higher highs on the 4hr and lower lows so a little frustrating.

Really needs to break $118 for a chance of a 1-2-3 play to the top of that triangle formation at $120.

Like I say though it could go eirther way so I will be playing the currencies with caution.

If we assume that Gold and Crude are at least going to try the upside then Cable and Euro look good to R1.

Coincidentally, R1 for Euro is also the Weekly pivot so if you can squeeze 30 pips from this pair then do so and close around the 1.4780.

Put an ascendling trendline on a 60m chart of USDJPY from low of 16/7, then a descending one from the highs of mig August.

I firmly believe that this could well break to the downside very soon.

5 times in the last 5 weaks it has had a brush with the daily 20. That shows a lot of weakness and Its got to go soon.

Even draw a symmetrical triangle pattern on your 15m 84CCI connecting the peaks and troughs and wait for the breakout.

Nothing too solid to give you at the moment I'm afraid.

Updates to follow.


Couple more

How about Ozzie and Kiwi to do the double for us this morning.

Just in the mood for throwing a few ideas about and good clean breaks of support levels coulld mean a lonely road down with Gold tiring.

Look out for a little 1-2-3 on the 5m. This is 15m to show the whole trendline

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