Stoch RSI System - page 3


stoch rsi

nice smart new olso where can i find the joget i like to test it thanks avi


Sorry my fault i forgot to include it into simple2.rar

Note that i don't base any decision on those indic, its just a hint.

Here's the link:


Post #1 been updated whit all .... updates!


Wait for the CLOSE!

Always wait for a CLOSED BAR, before considering any signal!

Also beware of Asian/London transition indic riff raff!

close.jpg  105 kb


thanks for your help looks nice iwill test it avi


I have red almost 300 pages about the dolly clone project and i can tell you its really something.

I tough adding the indic to the template would be a nice way to improve the system for target and trigger.

indic can be found here:

new.jpg  103 kb