Strato - RIP


Some of you may have known Strato, who used to post a lot at SBFX.

I saw this notice in another forum.

On Friday evening, June 6 2008, Craig Smith (a.k.a. Strato) passed away. He was a great friend and mentor to many people, and had a big heart. He suffered for over six months from non-hodgkins lymphoma, and was in great pain much of the time. He kept a good attitude and continued his passion of teaching his trading skills right up to the end.

He died at home near many family members and friends. We will all miss his companionship.

He is survived by his wife Julie King, and children Justin, Zack, Kellie and Ashleigh.





sincere deep condolences to his family, friends and colleagues, hopes his given knowledge will gives us a light


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My sympathy as well goes out to the family.

I had a form of this disease and was slowly dying also. Whether one wants to believe my story or not, just prior to going in for Chemo-Therapy, Jesus healed me 100%. All the tumors and infections disappeared within 2 minutes after my side mildly heated up when I asked Him to heal me. This happened about 7 years ago which amazed the doctor who was monitoring the disease.

If you are a born-again child of God through Jesus, then start believing that Jesus took our sicknesses and diseases at the cross also (Believe it as much as you believe in Salvation, because Jesus did both for us at the cross! - Yes He did!). If you read the Bible and start believing in the healing scriptures, plus, forgive all others, and have asked God to forgive you of all sins, then ask God to be healed and take authority over the sickness and disease, in the Name of Jesus, commanding that the disease die and come out of your body. No longer speak of the disease, but quote scripture like Jesus did when the devil tempted Him in the wilderness "It is written....By His stripes I have been healed" etc. etc. Believe that you receive, since now, with faith (which comes by reading the scriptures in the Bible), you are now ready to receive healing. Hosea in the Bible said "My people perish do to lack of knowledge".

Unfortunately, the churches of today rarely talk of the second half of deliverance Jesus provided for us at the cross (Healing) - What an injustice and pity for all the people who could of been healed. Now over 150 people have been touched by Jesus in my Ministry (Healed). Seek and you shall find. Stay in ignorance, and you may perish. When a Christian truly believes that the words in the Bible are from God (Speaking to you!), then you will have true faith for believing.

God responds to faith, not by circumstances. I have given you the truth about healing. Do as I say, and you shall stay healed and disease free until God takes your breath away at an old age. No where in the Bible does it say we have to die from disease or sickness! If we believe that this will happen to you, then you are acknowledging the power of satan over your life. Jesus is more powerful that satan!

For about 7 years now I have chosen to be cared for by God (No medical or dental insurance - One of my many testimonies of Jesus' love). God is faithful, as long as I have faith in Him, to stay healed (Stay in the Bible to keep your faith high until it becomes second nature to you!) - I am now about 57 years old and I am as healthy as a 30 year old healthy person. I have good strength and a sharp and alert mind thanks to Jesus / God. You too can have this if you apply yourself to do what I have told you to do. It is God's will to heal you! Jesus was the image of God, and healed all that believed in Him.

May you respect what I have told you, it is the same as what Jesus and others have told you in the Bible. When you believe in your heart that the healing scriptures are true and from God and for you, then expect miracles to happen.

God Bless, and I pray this person made it to Heaven by accepting Jesus.

Reverend Dave


If you wish to converse on this further, please email me at


God bless the deceased' family, and may god rest his soul.


Well said David - Thank you for your words of encouragement and ringing the bell of truth - it is seldom heard these days.

Well said David - Thank you for your words of encouragement and ringing the bell of truth - it is seldom heard these days.

Long time no see ML. Anyways, I'm posting some links strato contributed to the retail spot forex trading. He was a veteran trading at the pit. He's also a mentor in teaching forex trading to people for a fee. However, I have never pay him a single penny. Hope what he left will continue help others to make a pip or two.

Free site:

Make Money with Forex trading system

Discussion forum:


And his official commercial site:

Hope this help.



May god rest his soul...


wow i wish the family great healing...i remember following his thread few years back.