MT4 time does not update smoothly



I have notoced recently that the time display in the Market Watch window does not update smoothly, in other words, when it displays 01:01:23 f.e., it stays as 01:01:23, and several seconds later it displays 01:01:27.

It does not display second part every second.

Is this normal or do I have to change anything ?

Vista Home Premium, 3GB RAM, Core Duo 2.4GHz

Many charts and Indies and EAs are applied.


I have notoced recently that the time display in the Market Watch window does not update smoothly, in other words, when it displays 01:01:23 f.e., it stays as 01:01:23, and several seconds later it displays 01:01:27.

It does not display second part every second.

Is this normal or do I have to change anything ?

Vista Home Premium, 3GB RAM, Core Duo 2.4GHz

Many charts and Indies and EAs are applied.

I experience the same problem and I think this was due to the lack of internet connection.

which broker do you use? demo or live account?


I hate to break it to you guys, but it's not a malfunction. This is how MT is designed. Unlike other professional trading software, MT is only active when there is an "input" signal (in other words, when there is a price change). If there is no price change for 5 min... your clock will stay frozen until the update comes in.

Does that make sense?


Time Does not move smoothly

To All;

I've experienced the same thing. Looked at it on level 2, compared to MT4.

What you are seeing is:

1. Delayed price feed on Broker.

2. Price is not actually moving.

3. Broker trading against you.

4. Bank exchange is delaying price for objective to move other currency pairs.

(Correlated Pairs)

Example: Aud/USD News rumbles across any USD pair. Cross pair will trade the same way, however, it will be delayed by Broker or Bank to prevent the MAKING of Money.

Hope this helps.

You will see it while trading live. Even Demo.


Thanks folks

jfx88, Mr. Marketz, frameguy

Thanks for your inputs.

I am running a demo account, it is Alpari UK.

I thought so too, MT4 does not update charts if there is no price change.

But many different currency pairs are opened, so it is very unlikely that no transaction is made at a certain second.

If they are cheating, this is very serious problem and I will not put my real money in Alpari UK.


But many different currency pairs are opened, so it is very unlikely that no transaction is made at a certain second.

Are the charts for these pairs open, or just the market watch window prices?

Are the charts for these pairs open, or just the market watch window prices?

These many currency pairs are opened as charts.


Then it probably has something to do with the broker stalling the feed... for some reason or another. Not sure what else it could be at this point.

However, keep in mind that currency are tied to one another. EX:

If EUR/USD did not move,and neither did GBP/USD... then chances are EUR/GBP would not move either.


These a few active hours, the second in the watch is updated smoothly.
