New Members introduction - page 615


Hey how are you all guys .. I found this site better than others there is loads of information in detail people share their experiences and help each other .. i am new here i gained so many things from there ..


Hi guys, just became a member and wanted to say hi to everyone.


I am new here and i just want to say Hi


مرحبا أرغب بتحميل


أرغب في تحميل برنامج الترند سقنل


I am the voice of a small group of British mathematicians who developed a FOREX trading strategy and system for a financial institution. We've been trading it for five years. We are making the S&R part of our system available to other traders.

Здравствуйте, я новичок в этом форуме
Я только сейчас стал членом здесь и хочу сказать привет.


Hi to all!!

I'm a newbie in forex and i'm here to improve my trading knowledge .

Have a nice Day!


Hi everyone, it's great to be here!


This forum is great and I'm happy to be associated with it. My expectations for this forum is high and I hope to get the best.