SAR Bars - page 2

You sure do have a lot to learn...manners for one

Stop sneering and start producing...your indies are very basic. Unless those reading them are interested in coding, you might as well post exe.

May be your time here will be limited.

I for one hope not, it nice to see someone sharing and he seems to want to push the ball further then most and help as many people as he can. To be honest I don't find your post to be polite in any sense and perhaps you should listen to your own advice! So rather then condom lets just give it chance to settle and I am sure it will be fine and TRO will find a nice home here.


PS Welcome TRO glad you are turning your endeavors to MT4.


Your call

I for one hope not, it nice to see someone sharing and he seems to want to push the ball further then most and help as many people as he can. To be honest I don't find your post to be polite in any sense and perhaps you should listen to your own advice! So rather then condom lets just give it chance to settle and I am sure it will be fine and TRO will find a nice home here.


PS Welcome TRO glad you are turning your endeavors to MT4.

Ask yourself why he has been evicted from other forums. Better still, go check.

I also praise those that share - try placing his 'STR' indi on your chart, play with the coding, & see the mess it leaves in 'Objects'

I would rather have an indi that works the way it should...with,or without source.

There are some that trade, some that code, & some that do both on these forums, & we mostly share without our ego's getting involved. He likes to blow his own trumpet, but the tune is old and tired. Perhapes he should join a band & haunt the musical forums.

Happy near year!!


Hi, Baloo!

Different ways always mutually beneficial - CJA and everybody welcomes that - other thing is a manners - you already pointed on that - but I saw a lot, you saw a lot, wise CJA saw everything - overexcitement comes and goes, but caravan goes; people work together just fine - have a patience - life in forum as usual

Ask yourself why he has been evicted from other forums. Better still, go check.

I also praise those that share - try placing his 'STR' indi on your chart, play with the coding, & see the mess it leaves in 'Objects'

I would rather have an indi that works the way it should...with,or without source.

There are some that trade, some that code, & some that do both on these forums, & we mostly share without our ego's getting involved. He likes to blow his own trumpet, but the tune is old and tired. Perhapes he should join a band & haunt the musical forums.

Happy near year!!

I am in a band, 56 DELUXE and we took third place in the Phoenix Blues Competition last month. 56deluxe Band

I have fixed the "Object Mess" thanks to some help from a couple people on this forum. Like I said, I am new to MT4.

Why was I evicted? Cause I stood up to the FORUM POLICE. I don't go looking for a fight but I am not one to back down. Ask yourself why my TREND INDICATOR - NEVER LOSE AGAIN!! thread had over 300,000 views before TradeStation hid it from view. A 3 to 1 margin over 2nd place!!

It's funny, no matter where I post, SOMEONE always wants to take me on.

You sure do have a lot to learn...manners for one

Stop sneering and start producing...your indies are very basic. Unless those reading them are interested in coding, you might as well post exe.

May be your time here will be limited.

My indicators may be basic but so is trading. It doesn't have to be complicated/complex to be profitable.

All I want to do with the TRO MULTI METERS is give non-coders a chance to build their own screens the way they want so they don't have to beg someone to modify the code.

My code also uses coding techniques that make it quicker and easier for programmers to modify the code. The more I learn the better the code will get.

I am in a band, 56 DELUXE and we took third place in the Phoenix Blues Competition last month. 56deluxe Band

I have fixed the "Object Mess" thanks to some help from a couple people on this forum. Like I said, I am new to MT4.

Why was I evicted? Cause I stood up to the FORUM POLICE. I don't go looking for a fight but I am not one to back down. Ask yourself why my TREND INDICATOR - NEVER LOSE AGAIN!! thread had over 300,000 views before TradeStation hid it from view. A 3 to 1 margin over 2nd place!!

It's funny, no matter where I post, SOMEONE always wants to take me on.

It would be nice if you can post the TREND INDICATOR - NEVER LOSE AGAIN in MT4 code.

Keep up the good work!!


Trend Indicator

It would be nice if you can post the TREND INDICATOR - NEVER LOSE AGAIN in MT4 code.

Don't hold your breath!

It would be nice if you can post the TREND INDICATOR - NEVER LOSE AGAIN in MT4 code. Keep up the good work!!

Actually, it's already there...

What you do is use the EMA multi meter that I coded and use different periods.. ema(5), ema(10), ema(20), ema(40), etc.... it is like using the RIBBON TEMPLATE.