[Ask] How to become a forex broker!?


Hi All,

May I ask something about broker? example how to become a forex broker?

I choose Marketiva.com to describle. They want to become a forex broker, they have to program a flatform, website etc...

I want to ask that : example with Marketiva broker.

1/ Where do Their flatform load datafeed from ?

2/ How to Customer's deals (buy/sell) transfer to a bank in interbank?

3/ For a broker, I want to ask the form which brokers are using for LEVERAGE problem!. Mean when a customer use leverage 1:100, he put an order with amount 100k, so the customer only use : 100k/100 = 1k, I wanna ask that: with leverage 1:100,how to broker use money problem for 100k-1k = 99k? (How to brokers solve 99k?).

Please tutor me, thank you!.

Hi All,

May I ask something about broker? example how to become a forex broker?

I choose Marketiva.com to describle. They want to become a forex broker, they have to program a flatform, website etc...

I want to ask that : example with Marketiva broker.

1/ Where do Their flatform load datafeed from ?

2/ How to Customer's deals (buy/sell) transfer to a bank in interbank?

3/ For a broker, I want to ask the form which brokers are using for LEVERAGE problem!. Mean when a customer use leverage 1:100, he put an order with amount 100k, so the customer only use : 100k/100 = 1k, I wanna ask that: with leverage 1:100,how to broker use money problem for 100k-1k = 99k? (How to brokers solve 99k?).

Please tutor me, thank you!.

Hey, if u wanna open a forex-broker, let me in! We will open the best forex-broker in the world, and do a lot of stop-hunting


I wanna understand first, in order to training to somebody in my forum. Then I also intend open a broker etc.

If anybody can tutor me, please share a little knowlegde. I want to research this problem. Please reply some my questions as above. Thank you.


First of all...you need larceny in your heart...(and smoothing algorithm's to give you time)

Just get 100k together and contact MT4...

Then open up in Switzerland...


First of all...you need larceny in your heart...(and smoothing algorithm's to give you time)

Just get 100k together and contact MT4...

Then open up in Switzerland...


Hello ElectricSavant,

Please share to me detail, May you tutor step to step? or reply my questions above.

I know that to become a broker, the company need a flatform...etc.

But I want know about LEVERAGE problem (above, how to Broker pay to bank?) and How to customer's deals (buy/sell) transfer to a bank in interbank?

plz share to me step by step

Thank you so much.



larceny in your heart would begin from childhood.

basically your mother may place you in the position that you feel inadequete...this could be one way you might build up the pattern...there are several ways to reach this condition...


I wanna understand first, in order to training to somebody in my forum. Then I also intend open a broker etc. If anybody can tutor me, please share a little knowlegde. I want to research this problem. Please reply some my questions as above. Thank you.

How much money do you have??????


Hello ElectricSavant,

But I want know about LEVERAGE problem (above, how to Broker pay to bank?) and How to customer's deals (buy/sell) transfer to a bank in interbank?

What you want to be? a clearing house or a broker ?

If you want to be a clearing house you will need very BIG MONEY, many tens of millions, and a lot of work.

Why you don't buy a white label at another clearing house like FXLQ ?

Most folks are doing it, like IBFX, VelocityFX, ATCbrokers, etc, 98% of all brokerages company don't clear the trades themselves but they are a white label IB of only few big ClearingHouse.

You only need to collect customers and do some marketing and customer support



I only want to research firstly. Example I had a flatform MT4 ( include server, client, admin manager...all),

Now I wanna become a forex broker, plz example for me, where have to i open a bank account (USA or Switz or like marketiva.com )? about minimum deposit? then what do I have to make in order to supply to my customers any LEVERAGEs?


I only want to research firstly. Example I had a flatform MT4 ( include server, client, admin manager...all),

Now I wanna become a forex broker, plz example for me, where have to i open a bank account (USA or Switz or like marketiva.com )? about minimum deposit? then what do I have to make in order to supply to my customers any LEVERAGEs?

When you buy a White Label from a clearing house they take a care of everything.

They will set a server with YOUR COMPANY NAME and they will maintain it, even yo will have your own IP to fool everyone and appear as an authentic independent company, even you can use the infamous slogan "We don't have a dealing desk" that will be true, you will not have a dealing desk you clear through other company.

You will earn pips or commissions from every trade your customers place in your company.

Even the fixed fee of maintain a white label can be free for you if you have enough volume.

After time you can watch the trades of your customers and if you have enough customers and money to backup occasional customers win and withdrawal, you can buy your own MT license for about $100k and set your consistent loser customers in your own server without clearing anything.

That way you will left the consistent winners and most risky traders for a bucket shop broker in the hands of the White Label clearing house, but you keep the money of the losers.

That's all.

Forget to clear through banks, that's the oldest and bigger lie MT4 brokers always tell to customers. You need a bank account ONLY to accept the deposits and wire the money to customers.

To set a ECN type broker you can also buy a Currenex White Label, but this will cost you big money and you need a Big Volume to be accepted.

Although this post appear a joke, sorry, this how this business work.

When you buy a White Label from a clearing house they take a care of everything.

They will set a server with YOUR COMPANY NAME and they will maintain it, even yo will have your own IP to fool everyone and appear as an authentic independent company, even you can use the infamous slogan "We don't have a dealing desk" that will be true, you will not have a dealing desk you clear through other company.

You will earn pips or commissions from every trade your customers place in your company.

Even the fixed fee of maintain a white label can be free for you if you have enough volume.

After time you can watch the trades of your customers and if you have enough customers and money to backup occasional customers win and withdrawal, you can buy your own MT license for about $100k and set your consistent loser customers in your own server without clearing anything.

That way you will left the consistent winners and most risky traders for a bucket shop broker in the hands of the White Label clearing house, but you keep the money of the losers.

That's all.

Forget to clear through banks, that's the oldest and bigger lie MT4 brokers always tell to customers. You need a bank account ONLY to accept the deposits and wire the money to customers.

To set a ECN type broker you can also buy a Currenex White Label, but this will cost you big money and you need a Big Volume to be accepted.

Although this post appear a joke, sorry, this how this business work.


He don't know what he is talling about.

He want to be a broker and he don't have a money,

he is new in this business...???