99.999 % from GBP/JPY prove it ! with VB


99.999 % from GBP/JPY prove it ! with VB

=========== 99.99999 % ================== probability

using de ja vu engine................................

under the VB

i'll send u the final engine

as soon as possible

for freee

the last big result after my first posting

that i have found is in GBP/JPY

4 hour

with 100% of probability

but the signal happen only 3 times

during the last 2 years

and all are the true signal

is how to predict hi and lo

next 4 hour candle

using now candle

and previous candle

here now...............!!!!!!!!!!!

the test result

using al*ari(p) databank

entry point is.......

when you find


of now candle close is between 2 > 5 pip above MA-7-close

(2 <= closee <= 5 pip above MA 7 close-only)

"(means,(2 less or equal than close less or equal han 5 pip)"

and the previous (candleclose minus MA-7-close)

more than !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now closing minus(-) MA 7 minus(-) 47 pip

so the next candle with 100 % probility !!!!!!!!

its hi will encrease about 25-26 pip from now high

its low will less than 18 pip from now candle (H4) low

"means take long position and 100 % probability of

getting more 25-26 pip only"

on the one next candle H4 only

means exit on the after next 4 hours

wanna prove !!!!!!!

i 've posted the source code using VBA in excel

and sample old data history

please the better from this are welcome :-)

the polite asking will get the ware soft de ja vu for free !!!!


here is some of my code check it on the ttachment

'mencari mulainya baris untuk MA

'MENGECEK jumlah data

For cekdata = 1 To 20000

gg = gg + 1

data = Cells(gg, kolom + 2).Value

If data "" Then Exit For

Next cekdata

barisMA% = gg '+ 1

'MENGECEK jumlah data

For cekdata = 1 To 20000

gg = gg + 1

data = Cells(baris + gg, kolom).Value

If data = "" Then Exit For

Next cekdata

'siapkan properti progessbar

ProgressBar1.Max = gg

'program utama

For w = 0 To gg 'kenapa dimulai dari nol 0--- disinyalir ada kelebihan loop

hargaclose = Cells(baris + barisku, kolom).Value


selisihMAbefore = Cells(baris + barisku - 1, kolom + 3).Value

On Error Resume Next

selisihMAnow = Cells(baris + barisku, kolom + 3).Value

'selisihMAnow =adalah harga close-dukurangi harga MA pada baris = baris ditambah barisku

'selisihMAbefore =adalah selisih MA 1 record data sebelumnya

barisku = barisku + 1

If selisihMAnow < 0 Then negatif = negatif + 1

If selisihMAbefore 0 And selisihMAnow >= pipta And selisihMAnow <= piptamin Then GoSub maxmin

' sinyal beli terjadi hanya jika close berada diatas MA antara x dan y pip

'dan harga (close-MA) sebelumnya lebih besar sekian pip dibawah (close dikurangi MA=+ dikurangi pip syarat) skrg

ProgressBar1.Value = g

g = g + 1


Next w

prosentase% = (sekak / cek) * 100



How to use this?

Cara makenya gimana?


Let me see if I have this right, you have a system that wins only 3 times a year for 25-26 pips each movement?



makasih ya indinya,tapi ninggu 2 taon skali itu loh yang lama.anyway thank's



tambahkan sebagai filter

pada posting saya di metatrader forum

How to use this? Cara makenya gimana?

use it as filter

make an add to chivas88chi posting at metatrader forum

Let me see if I have this right, you have a system that wins only 3 times a year for 25-26 pips each movement?

Deja-vu ! now that's funny

wait did I see this before ?


haduh mas... 2 tahun?? ydah keburu kaya saya lol


How can you use the system, why don't you explain here so that we can discuss or use it ?


lets go to something better simple and powerful indicator

go directly to the picture attachment

at this link


for complete post and i got difficulty to find

something better with complete rule

99.999 % from GBP/JPY prove it ! with VB

=========== 99.99999 % ================== probability

using de ja vu engine................................

under the VB

i'll send u the final engine

as soon as possible

for freee

the last big result after my first posting

that i have found is in GBP/JPY

4 hour

with 100% of probability

but the signal happen only 3 times

during the last 2 years

and all are the true signal

is how to predict hi and lo

next 4 hour candle

using now candle

and previous candle

here now...............!!!!!!!!!!!

the test result

using al*ari(p) databank

entry point is.......

when you find


of now candle close is between 2 > 5 pip above MA-7-close

(2 <= closee <= 5 pip above MA 7 close-only)

"(means,(2 less or equal than close less or equal han 5 pip)"

and the previous (candleclose minus MA-7-close)

more than !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now closing minus(-) MA 7 minus(-) 47 pip

so the next candle with 100 % probility !!!!!!!!

its hi will encrease about 25-26 pip from now high

its low will less than 18 pip from now candle (H4) low

"means take long position and 100 % probability of

getting more 25-26 pip only"

on the one next candle H4 only

means exit on the after next 4 hours

wanna prove !!!!!!!

i 've posted the source code using VBA in excel

and sample old data history

please the better from this are welcome :-)

the polite asking will get the ware soft de ja vu for free !!!!


here is some of my code check it on the ttachment

'mencari mulainya baris untuk MA

'MENGECEK jumlah data

For cekdata = 1 To 20000

gg = gg + 1

data = Cells(gg, kolom + 2).Value

If data "" Then Exit For

Next cekdata

barisMA% = gg '+ 1

'MENGECEK jumlah data

For cekdata = 1 To 20000

gg = gg + 1

data = Cells(baris + gg, kolom).Value

If data = "" Then Exit For

Next cekdata

'siapkan properti progessbar

ProgressBar1.Max = gg

'program utama

For w = 0 To gg 'kenapa dimulai dari nol 0--- disinyalir ada kelebihan loop

hargaclose = Cells(baris + barisku, kolom).Value


selisihMAbefore = Cells(baris + barisku - 1, kolom + 3).Value

On Error Resume Next

selisihMAnow = Cells(baris + barisku, kolom + 3).Value

'selisihMAnow =adalah harga close-dukurangi harga MA pada baris = baris ditambah barisku

'selisihMAbefore =adalah selisih MA 1 record data sebelumnya

barisku = barisku + 1

If selisihMAnow < 0 Then negatif = negatif + 1

If selisihMAbefore 0 And selisihMAnow >= pipta And selisihMAnow <= piptamin Then GoSub maxmin

' sinyal beli terjadi hanya jika close berada diatas MA antara x dan y pip

'dan harga (close-MA) sebelumnya lebih besar sekian pip dibawah (close dikurangi MA=+ dikurangi pip syarat) skrg

ProgressBar1.Value = g

g = g + 1


Next w

prosentase% = (sekak / cek) * 100