Proposed NFA Capital Requirement - page 50


I am aware of this I have 5 Oanda accounts....for nearly 4 years now. Oanda will never have MT4 so people do not even get excited or wish for it.

That also exists already for a long time in Oanda between the sub-accounts you can create, but of course it is not an MT4 broker...

The proposed rule would not prohibit customers from

pursuing long and short-term strategies in separately margined accounts (Page 8)

What if you have two accounts with the same dealer? ...and you have one EA on each and it just so happens you end up with a long and a short on the same pair?....same dealer different EA's and MT4's...ES
Good question! That might be a possible loophole that traders will use
I have information that IBFX will allow online inter-account transfers soon (transfers between existing accounts online instantly) the managment of more than one account will be simplified and in the future will no longer need a form. ES

Thank you NFA....thank you again....

In reviewing the data submitted to NFA as well as from the on-site

examinations, NFA found that—from May through September—thirteen FDMs adjusted

prices after the fact. Only eight of the thirteen FDMs cited erroneous prices from their

liquidity providers as a reason for adjusting prices. Even for these eight, the vast

majority of price changes reported by seven of them had nothing to do with their liquidity


Most of the adjustments were due to factors such as stale quotes

generated by the FDM’s own matching system, unfilled orders due to technical errors

with the FDM’s trading platform or the customer’s front end system, erroneous prices

being entered by the FDM’s traders, and system connection issues arising from the

FDM’s use of two or more different trading platforms. There goes the IBFX smoothing algorithm

A Traders Cry in the Wilderness

Once there was the Wild West of Forex

Then came along the Sheriff for us

They need to know the extent of their greed

for reconciliation that was long in need

There will come a day for the trader... we are promised

Where the secondary Cash market will be an alternate harvest

All for the Good and good for all....Trader we can do it all....

Thank you NFA for looking out for us....

Understanding you now is right and just...

When anybody says that regulation can be bad....

ask yourselves can a thiefs behaviour be tempered instead?

Capitalist you say...ok....let it be...but this stealing is not for me...

Thank you NFA

Written by


Listen carefully Forex Dealer.... you bastard

Better Day's coming

YouTube - The Hooters - 500 miles

A prayer from ElectricSavant to the almighty Lord Jesus Christ

Thank you Lord for your tolerance with my blindness....You loved me first now I can see.

Please be merciful to the thieves and crooks in the world. You died for them too...

When they pay their price let it not be for their salvation...let them come to the place in their life

to realize that God sent his only begotten son to die for them on the cross too! They can Claim your promise....

Just ask the thief on the cross where he is today....

May you have peace with God...Through the Lord Jesus Christ....

Be Free in the Saving Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ...

He is knocking on the Door...Just answer...Traders just answer...

Better Day's coming

YouTube - The Hooters - 500 miles

A prayer from ElectricSavant to the almighty Lord Jesus Christ

Thank you Lord for your tolerance with my blindness....You loved me first now I can see.

Please be merciful to the thieves and crooks in the world. You died for them too...

When they pay their price let it not be for their salvation...let them come to the place in their life

to realize that God sent his only begotten son to die for them on the cross too! They can Claim your promise....

Just ask the thief on the cross where he is today....

May you have peace with God...Through the Lord Jesus Christ....

Be Free in the Saving Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ...

He is knocking on the Door...Just answer...Traders just answer...


Amen to that! Great video, too! I have sometimes wondered if the biggest risk in Forex trading isn't the market itself, but the lack of broker integrity. You've got to trust them and they've got to earn that trust.
