What is with the Forex Market this week??? - page 4


Yes Linuxser?


Relax and act like the educated person you profess to be.

The questions you ask I need not answer because 1) It is unlikely you will believe anything I have to say and among a plethora of other reasons 2) I am quite assured in the fact that I need not answer to the likes of you.

Having said this I shall be polite if you afford me the same courtesy. I assume your bad English is due to it not being your native tongue rather than result of poor education?

I have gone to University and for your information I am quite aware that 'Politics' does not just encompass the realms of government but rather many a latitude in life.

If you want to know about the book and haven't and ulterior motive for asking, you can either PM me or check a website review.



Anyone can recommend me a book about how 'the world works' ?

I know that news that create spikes don't exists(works) anymore, at least to people like me (small trader), but I still believe that fundamental drives economy, such as china story, I still read long-term investment newsletter, but feels that it affects little to my trading, did I read them incorrectly ?

I just want to focus on forex first and have a working system and move to other instruments.

Ever since I learned forex, I begin to like physcological books such as Trading in the zone, the dog story is an easy to understand example.


Linuxser - Books


It takes a big man to admit when he's 'wrong'.

I mixed up the authors of these two books (both of which I have and are great reads) but it was the Mark Douglas outlook that is a definite 're-read'.

Trading in the Zone - Mark Douglas (Psychology and confidence)

Trading for a Living - Alexander Elder (Same vein but a different 'bent' including MM and also trading methods)
