Dan7974 ? - page 4


foolish or creative?

Dan has lots of ideas. We all agree do we?

Some are foolish while the others stired some brain storms in this community.

Dan works much harder than most members here. We all agree do we?

May be, just may be, one day Dan can come up some winning ideas that we all going to gain from it.

Banning members who have lots of ideas is not good idea.

Dan has better chance to become an expert in a short period of time than most members here because he works harder!

Please give him a chance. He needs some time to grow up. So do we.

I whish one day every one in this community might thank DAN for his contributions.

I just give my 2 cents here. This post has no bad intention to any members.


I think that Dans main problem is that he stumbles upon an idea/indicator/system that initially looks amazing so he gets excited and starts a new thread about it when what he should do is look into it further and test it further to see if his excitement is warranted.

I believe that Dan is trying to help our community here, though, because when he finds these "holy grails" the first thing he does is share it with us...not keep it to himself.

I will give him an "A" for enthusiam, but I will suggest that before he posts any similar new threads that he does a little more testing/research first.

Just some friendly, constructive criticism, Dan....Keep trying and looking for that which we all seek.


One stupid will support another one? People change their attitude so quickly over here, like a pack of idiots following each other, falling in the same hole.

Those who stand by him now are the same who demand were asking newdigital to stop this guy, you guys are no better than him, I can post some of your qoutes as a proof

I was only asking to apply the rules DAN demanded his post.


Ask a professional trader where he got his method. Would he say...

" Oh...I studied forums..."

Everybody here studies it, some more than 2 years. They are'nt profitable!

What do YOU think?

Sitting on forums forever??????

I suggest this....for the administrator.....

" Never post a system that You have not traded for less than 2 weeks".

People just post whatever comes to their mind. They don't care about polluting the forum with crap. They just post it, people improve it, he then tells them to get lost, and he would never come back to the forum again.

Let's rephrase that :

Post system.

You help them.

They got what they needed.

He says good-bye.

Get it? They use You.

When You help them, they know what to do, and don't post anything.

They keep it to themselves.

So, what do You think guys?

What about the 2 week policy?

God bless You all,


Read some of his threads, before you answer to this thread lots of you just jump in and add useless comments , without knowing reading DAN threads


Shame on you guys I can quote lots of you, when you asked DAN to stop making new threads, and now you guys change your attitude, yes it’s a free form but its full of amateurs who doesn’t even trade live accounts.

DAN and lots of other guys should be stopped from contaminating this site, I am quoting DAN “People just post whatever comes to their mind. They don't care about polluting the forum with crap. They just post it, people improve it, he then tells them to get lost, and he would never come back to the forum again”

Think guys before you post there is no place for emotions here and I came here to learn, but all I have seen is some childish posts and armature traders trying to force thier ideas…. Why suddenly most of the senior members ( developers) stopped responding to their threads ?

Because of people like DAN, he attached so many times senior members and profitable systems !! yet he never produce a profitable statement for more than a month.

Lots of armatures attached me, I don’t care, I dare any of them to post a profitable statement with more than 6 months, I am here to learn but not from DAN, looking at his posts and lots of the recently created threads makes me sick, this site used to have a reputation !!


come on guys give dan a chance with crazy people come crazy profitable trading



Tell me one method, and i'll prove it doesn't work! Just try me! Really, I don't want to be mean, i'm just saying....i'll prove it doesn't work once and for all...


I have found the holy grail? Anyone else? My method is + 50 Pips each day. Minimum.


Guys, what happen if eveybody trades the same strategy? What will happen to the market?


Also, if You are afraid to lose your account, then don't. Strart at $100 on mini account or so, and and when reahces big, withdraw the money. Easy! Or, open 5 accounts. On monday, trade #1 account. Tuesday, trade #2 account, and so on. I will be posting trades.


I know...I am a loser.


Thanks for that! And yes, I will be watching the market....and the market will be watching me, but he won't take a look at my friend.....I am blocking him....and my friend will make the trade....and them market won't realize that he made a trade until my friend makes a profit...then my friend has detected that the market has detected him, and my friend will exit with a positive profit..;)


I am 28 years old. I don't know how to change the birth of date thing. Where do I go? It says I AM A SENIOR Member! I am mad! How do I change it??


I Have Found The Holy Grail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!


Ask Me How I Do It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


178 years old!


this is just a small part of the clown posts, i hope the other joker lexygoo has got the idea.

Give him a chance to learn yes, keeping those trash posts NO


another funny posts



I am tired of not being serious. I want to be serious from now on. I promise.

You guys too, have to stop making jokes and insulting me really bad.

I am feeling bad myself, and You are making it worse.

Please, guys please lets start all over.

Please forget all the past things I did.

Please, guys. Lets start all over, like nothing happend.

I am very sorry if I caused You guys any sadness.

I quit martingale, made $3,000. I don't want to risk it, You know, then burn my account.

I am happy with my luck that I didn't get burned. I won't mention martingale anymore.

You might think why I have posted the title " The Indicator ".

I have an indicator I have found, luckily.

I was about to delete it, until I found 5 wins in a row. And then 20 wins in a row.

I have forwardtested it for 2 days, thursday and friday.

I also have found a MT4 company that has 1 pip spread on all currencies. Even gbpjpy! Also, with a customizable leverage! The best !!!

I am very sorry for everything.

Do You accept my aplogy?



I am trading Volume, just incase You don't know. Volume is the key of life, and hapiness. It is the best of all other indicators !!!

Stupid MACD, STOCHASTIC, Parobolica SAR, Bollinger Bands, is all cr&p!

I've wated 4 years of my life on stupid indicators.

Trust me.


Never trade the market alone, becuase market will nail You down! Trade with at least 2 people.Example : After a very long time of trading, You discovered a method which is the best among many of Your methods. You trade for 1 week, using 1 lot, and all trades are winners. Then, You have confidence in Your trading, and You then decide to trade 5 lots or so for the next week. Before we go to the 2nd week, I want to tell You that, for example, we have won $50 for the 1st week. When we went to the second week with 5 lots and with confidence, the market immediately turned againts us! The 1st trade with 5 lots, You lose...all what You won for the 1st week....You lose $300. The next 5 days, You lost much, much more. Do You know the problem? THE ASWER IS: Never trade the market alone!!! Trade with at least 2 people! Ask me how!

Lots of you enjoy the laughing on this guy, only few give him a good advise ...only few told him to read before he post, stopping him form those silly posts is a way to help him.

This is not a circus, this site is for trading and clowns should be banned

Family Guy:
Lots of you enjoy the laughing on this guy, only few give him a good advise ...only few told him to read before he post, stopping him form those silly posts is a way to help him. This is not a circus, this site is for trading and clowns should be banned

+1 agree, I am here to learn


Why did you start this thread?

Because it seems like you are hell bent on starting a piss fest when you start a thread, complete with a poll, asking the entire forum whether they like one member or not, and the refuse to let the issue drop.

If you want an intellectual discussion go hang out at the country club or something. Maybe you trade for a living, but I don't. And I'm willing to bet that most of the rest of the people here don't yet either, and that is why we are here spending time working on trading methods and EAs which will allow us to do so. If Dan can come up with one useful approach to trading, regardless of how unorthodox, then it is worth dealing with all the failures and inconsistencies that have led up to that point.

You seem to have mastered the search feature, congratulations. Tell you what, I'll let you in on another little forum secret. Go to User CP -> Miscellaneous -> Buddy / Ignore Lists. I bet if you add Dan's name 90% of your problems will disappear, at least until someone else comes along that you disagree with.

Why did you start this thread?

Because it seems like you are hell bent on starting a piss fest when you start a thread, complete with a poll, asking the entire forum whether they like one member or not, and the refuse to let the issue drop.

If you want an intellectual discussion go hang out at the country club or something. Maybe you trade for a living, but I don't. And I'm willing to bet that most of the rest of the people here don't yet either, and that is why we are here spending time working on trading methods and EAs which will allow us to do so. If Dan can come up with one useful approach to trading, regardless of how unorthodox, then it is worth dealing with all the failures and inconsistencies that have led up to that point.

You seem to have mastered the search feature, congratulations. Tell you what, I'll let you in on another little forum secret. Go to User CP -> Miscellaneous -> Buddy / Ignore Lists. I bet if you add Dan's name 90% of your problems will disappear, at least until someone else comes along that you disagree with.

read DAN threads first, most of the guys here asked newdigital to stop him, now they change thier attitude trying to look decent, BTW if you don't tade for a living then STFU ( Shut the x UP ) and learn