


where in MT4 i can see the name of active template-chart and also where to see the name of current profile.



no one knows ?

no one knows ?

You can see current profile on the bottom of terminal/ See pic.

mt4.gif  3 kb

thanks,i see it now

what about current template ?

thanks,i see it now what about current template ?

I don't think its possible for the template


they should make it possible,like this i have saved tons of templates with same systems...confusion

they should make it possible,like this i have saved tons of templates with same systems...confusion


Here is my way to avoid this porblem, I have 5 MT4 setups on my PC, 4 for live accounts which there is only one template, I keep all the templates on the demo account, if I want to test a template or change it, I does that on the demo setup, then if I like it I copy that template to my live accounts and delete the old one.




I agree with Deepdrunk; what the heck was that template called I loaded up last month? LOL

Those 'Senior Moments' are getting more frequent now....

If Microsoft can give you the option of 'Save as...', with the name of the current file displayed, I hope this is somthing Metatrader has sorted out in V5.

I can't be doing with bits of paper with template names littering my desk; it's littered enough already!




I agree with Deepdrunk; what the heck was that template called I loaded up last month? LOL

Those 'Senior Moments' are getting more frequent now....

If Microsoft can give you the option of 'Save as...', with the name of the current file displayed, I hope this is somthing Metatrader has sorted out in V5.

I can't be doing with bits of paper with template names littering my desk; it's littered enough already!



Hello ALL! My first post here at this fantastic website, and well, a bit of a plea I admit.

Obviously, the creators of MT4 are MORONS, overlooking something like this from the very beginning, and then NOT correcting it to this day. I have no idea if they corrected it in MT5, and don't care, since they changed the language (another move that pisses me off...).

So anyone to this day who uses MT4, which is a heck of a lot of people for EA's etc, and has many templates saved, again most, can never see which TPL they are currently using, not even when trying to save a new template! Unbelievable, really.

Has no one ever come up with an Indicator for this? A work around?

I can think of ways it can be done, but sadly have no coding skills yet.

So great minds and coders of TSD, HELP US ALL PLEASE!

Cheers mates



...temple late...



It can not be done from the code, but why don't you do a simple trick :

Create a text label (from the "insert->text label" menu) with the name of the template and then save the template. That way whenever you read in the template the label with it's name will be there too (like the sample bellow).

PS: it has to be text label since it can be positioned regardless of the time section displayed on chart.

Hello ALL! My first post here at this fantastic website, and well, a bit of a plea I admit.

Obviously, the creators of MT4 are MORONS, overlooking something like this from the very beginning, and then NOT correcting it to this day. I have no idea if they corrected it in MT5, and don't care, since they changed the language (another move that pisses me off...).

So anyone to this day who uses MT4, which is a heck of a lot of people for EA's etc, and has many templates saved, again most, can never see which TPL they are currently using, not even when trying to save a new template! Unbelievable, really.

Has no one ever come up with an Indicator for this? A work around?

I can think of ways it can be done, but sadly have no coding skills yet.

So great minds and coders of TSD, HELP US ALL PLEASE!

Cheers mates
template.gif  26 kb