Looking for custom Andrew's pitchfork ..


Hi Gang;

Was wondering if anyone came across a custom Pitchfork ..

Would like extra set of paralell upper & lower median lines added to the standard Andrew's Pitchfork ..

Alan Andrew called them 'Warning Lines' ..

Price tend to stick to them once it violates the upper or lower ML's ..

I understand eSignal's Advanced Gets has it but need one for MetaTrader ..

Thnx & Cheers !!


Golden Section indicator can draw pitchforks:


Hi Gang;

Was wondering if anyone came across a custom Pitchfork ..

Would like extra set of paralell upper & lower median lines added to the standard Andrew's Pitchfork ..

Alan Andrew called them 'Warning Lines' ..

Price tend to stick to them once it violates the upper or lower ML's ..

I understand eSignal's Advanced Gets has it but need one for MetaTrader ..

Thnx & Cheers !!

is very easy to draw manualy on metatrader

just select median line, click CTRL key and move with the mouse the new median line at uper or lower paralel median line


Thnx for that leutzuro ..

But since the median lines are not Trend lines per se the 'crtl' key thing is not working out for me ..

Was there other tips or key combo I am missing ??

Cheers !!



The way Leutzuro told you to do it is the right way.


Finally got it done .. Thnx ..Tragapips !!

Did not realize you could clone the whole Pitchfork in parallel !!



please post this pictch fork

can you please post pictchfork indicator





A version of a fork indicator
