Complex programing experts need only apply


For me this is complex programing.

I need some help with code.

what i am looking to do is have an my EA look and the LAST 3 candles on a chart and get the average price movement (either it's moving up or down at the time).


anybody ?

anybody? at least point me in the right direction

anybody? at least point me in the right direction

And what is the method for calculating the average? Typical price, close, etc?

And what is the method for calculating the average? Typical price, close, etc?

I guess he means the average of all ticks on the 3 last candles so, for the 3 last candles :

sum of all tick values / number of ticks


the price

the price... the price at close would be be fine or even the average prci to detirmine price rise or fall.




if (ma1>=ma2) direction=up;

else direction=dn; ?