COT Weekly Trading Strategy - page 2

Hi Barnix

Do you know the exact time when futures and options combined reports are released on Friday? In GMT please...

I only see that "Commitments of Traders reports are released at 3:30 pm Washington D.C. time", so it's 19.30GMT...


that sounds right to me


Buy_Orders_2007 May

* Each currency pair has three graphs: Buy Orders, Sell Orders, and Buy-Sell Orders Difference. Note that orders consist of both Market Entry orders (limit orders) and Stop-Loss/Take-Profit orders.

* Red line shows the exchange rate.

* Each graph consists of several 1-hour vertical bars each of which covers 80% of orders at the time.

* Colors show the density of orders at different price levels.

* The density is calculated relative to number of the total orders (both Buy and Sell) at the time.

* By default, weekend data is not shown due to insignificant price and order movements.


Sell Orders 2007 May


Buy sell orders diff 200 May


Long Short Position ratios


When the ratio passes the 50% line then there are more long positions than short positions, and when the ratio falls below 50% then there are more short positions than long positions.


Long Positions 2007 May


Short Positions 2007 May


LongShort Positions Diff 2007 May

Long Short Position ratios


When the ratio passes the 50% line then there are more long positions than short positions, and when the ratio falls below 50% then there are more short positions than long positions.

This could prove very useful. Thanks.