Question about 4 hour chart


how could in mt4 make the 4 hour chart updated every 4 hour once

not every tick


how could in mt4 make the 4 hour chart updated every 4 hour once

not every tick


Impossible! (maybe you log out metatrader and log in every 4 hours).

but why?



cuz i dunno how to put expert advisor on 4 hour

when i back test i get about 5 trades in 4 days

now when forward test i get more than 15 trades aday

while the price is changing it open position

so how could i make the ea on 4 hour chart

( i choose 4 hour chart then add ea ) is there any thing to do

in cyberia ea


The answer is simple - don't use bar number 0 in your EA.

The answer is simple - don't use bar number 0 in your EA.

Agree with you.

double iMA( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int ma_shift, int ma_method, int applied_price, int shift)

Parameters int ma_shift, MA shift. Indicators line offset relate to the chart by timeframe. Set it to 1.

Or use i + 1 Bar's price, Example Close. Is it?