Simple strategy - page 4


Today has Couple of nervers swing ,still Detacable.........Predictable ........

1020.gif  23 kb

i worked out your secret system..........

hahaha.jpg  118 kb

You calculate it wrong the entry has to be the next open bar after the signal.... Read again from the 1 post .......


See piccy...

1021.gif  24 kb

i never calculated anything............i just drew a nice picture like you are doing



it seems the signals are predicted by some Neural Net (AI).


No wonder you got it wrong......


Hello Adriann , Nice to see you at your 1 post here ....


Kill It, Please!

I just read 40 posts that said nothing. Save the rest of our community from a similar fate. Thank you.


U R Ot A # 1 ,N OY