It's hard to find the latest files here - page 2


Here was my suggestion...



Yes, I think the threads have to be closed. All files will have their own section within the closed thread. Don't try to please everybody, its not possible. You are only one person and am sure some won't even thank you!

Most, if not all EA's have a version stamp in their name. So just the name of the file should be enough to know which is the latest. Keep it simple, dont wear yourself out. If the files are in a closed thread, we'll find them.




One post per EA is not good idea. I had real case in this section when person could not find the file because the file was posted on the post #2 of the thread but he was looking on the post #1 only. And he spent 10 minutes (he was feeling that it was too much and posted about it). It is real case.

I understand that most of the people here want just to download EAs with the settings and that's all. And elite section now is the forum of one person: I am developing EAs sometimes, i am co-ordinating the development for most EAs inside elite section, I am doing anything else, I am deciding what to test and when to stop and so on. So it is not like "moving the posts" sorry. But I want for the people to discuss and to participate (in discussion and so on). Because in this case only elite section will be a forum not one person.

I don't think that I should close all EAs threads. Because those threads are for discussion and improvement.

I think I will close all 5 sticky threads and will clean those threads. I will make files thread as smaller as possible. Probable 2 pages only. So everybody can read the thread of 2 pages. And it will not be 40 min. Less.

Besides I will zip all EAs files with pre-set files and settings, and the statements in one or 2 big zip file for the people who want just to download the files without asking anything from me or anybody here and without any discussion.

And I think I will clean whole elite section and will merge some useless threads with discussion thread.


Hi ND, good idea! Closing the sticky threads so people cannot post in them is an extremely good idea!!


Not hard anymore: files thread was fully updated and closed. Just one page only.

I will continue to review all elite section and threads.