Demand of help(assistant)


Demand of help(assistant)

Hello Sirs

I use at present on approval, an Expert, who seems rather good, but who activates(starts) too many Trades.

I would want that dies that it(he) reaches(affects) 2 % of the invested capital, it(he) stops all the trades purchases or sales.

But as I am not a programmer, I do not know how to make him(it).

The East what a person would have the kindness of me ecrire this order in language MQL4.

In advance I thank him(it) for it.



Yves81 hello, i had seen this fonction in several EA but don't remember which ones.

Look at some and do CTRL-F (to find) to search reference at Equity.

Alsa sorry if i didn't finish the thing you asked me : i didn't managed to do it

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