Please HELP ! I need a Lamborghini. - page 2


haha great thread. Sadly everyone want's everything for free nowadays. Don't bother working hard at all, why work when someone else will do it for you for free right???

haha like it FX_Sniper,im only here a day and already experienced this type of person..............and by the way im giving away my old Lamborghini Diablo,only thing is its red and i see your looking for a black one....ah well maybe next time

Oh how sweet, you remember me hahahaha..

Also FXsniper, i can get a sweet lambo, for only $75,000... ok so its not a 'real' lambo, per say, but it looks like one


For sure this one...

looks like one of your very own indicators, the FX_Sniper's LSMA. Tony must have been in this forum, too. Look and compare. Image 1 is their ultimate, Image 2 is your LSMA. Darn it, they want $997.00 for it. We better hurry, less 150 copies left. They don't called it Holy Grail nor Holy Goose BUT it hasn't LOSE. They named it the Ultimate Trading Machine - one indicator does it all. WOW! There you go. Another possible one to jump and down about. Please see it here instead.



WAY too much time on your hands. I like seeing all the requests for help, and all the people assisting. That's a great thing, not something to be mocked.

You obviously didn't read the whole thread or you would know what EVERYONE was talking about!

You obviously didn't read the whole thread or you would know what EVERYONE was talking about!

Hey YupYup

Hell man, be glad you're not over here anymore, my indoors temp went up to 32 deg. Celsius on Tuesday and on Monday it was 30 deg Celsius... I'm being cooked alive here, so forget the Lamborghini, I need a damn airconditioner man LOL

All the best,

FX Sniper


Nice idea this thread! Maybe we could expand it into a " I paid for fx m*** m** system, tried it for 3 months and failed completely" type of thread.

I think all of us have shelled out our Lambo deposits on lame duck systems so why not name and shame em?

Hey YupYup

Hell man, be glad you're not over here anymore, my indoors temp went up to 32 deg. Celsius on Tuesday and on Monday it was 30 deg Celsius... I'm being cooked alive here, so forget the Lamborghini, I need a damn airconditioner man LOL

All the best,

FX Sniper

BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Maybe we can work together and sell "Holy Grail" indicators on ebay like the other "traders" do, that should give us enough money!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Maybe we can work together and sell "Holy Grail" indicators on ebay like the other "traders" do, that should give us enough money!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Commandment #11: Thou shalt not sell the Holy Grail...


All you people have put me to shame. No I do not sell any systems (even though it DID crossed my mind). It's good to know that people like you guys still exist. A tad bit late to post but yes this will be my first post in this forum. Hope to contribute and give back to the community more than what I've taken.

Happy trading, I wish all of you enough.
