Nice Sounds For Alerts


I don't know about you guys, but I am tired of the same old sound beeps for alarms.

So If anyone has good sound files please post here.

Note, the sound files must be very small, not to clutter the Mem and Cpu load if too many are activated at the same time.

Here is a link to a good site witha search engine for sound files:


Cool Alert sound

This is a line from the movie Space Balls where Colonel Sanders commands "Commence Operation Vacu-Suck!"

It gives me a smile under the pressures of trading.

vacusuck.rar  21 kb
This is a line from the movie Space Balls where Colonel Sanders commands "Commence Operation Vacu-Suck!" It gives me a smile under the pressures of trading.

Here is my Hal 9000 and some other gems

sounds.rar  886 kb