Coding help - page 46


Great Suggestion!!

Thanks MLaden,

I did not think of that approach and probably never would have either.



Need Help Modifying an ndicator


I was hoping to have an email alert option added to the attached indicator. My copy and paste attempts have not been successful. Thank you in advance for your assistance.



A version of that indicator with email alert can be downloaded from this link : macross.mq4

Mladen, I was hoping to have an email alert option added to the attached indicator. My copy and paste attempts have not been successful. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

code decode

hi mladen, as per my previous comments, can you shed any light on the following:


I want to change the MA method and Price field or have an option to specify as a variable, but this has been decompiled and not sure what bit of code are what!

note this version has some colouring options for different lines and line changes which i like to keep and could not find in another version, many thanks


You should find the original (not the decompiled) code then.

hi mladen, as per my previous comments, can you shed any light on the following:


I want to change the MA method and Price field or have an option to specify as a variable, but this has been decompiled and not sure what bit of code are what!

note this version has some colouring options for different lines and line changes which i like to keep and could not find in another version, many thanks
You should find the original (not the decompiled) code then.

have no idea where it cam from, think was this website, says something about FX Ultra but I dont know who they are.

i guess its too jumbled to decipher


default alert playing

new question! How do you stop the default alert sound playing when coding in your own alert sound, but also have a pop-up comment box?

i.e. in my code:





Alert("SELL "+Symbol()+" "+Period()+" bandwidth short");


many thanks in advance


Do something like this (the simplest way) :

static datetime lastAlerted=0;




if(_enableAlert && i==1 && lastAlerted!=Time)


lastAlerted = Time;

Alert("SELL "+Symbol()+" "+Period()+" bandwidth short");



new question! How do you stop the default alert sound playing when coding in your own alert sound, but also have a pop-up comment box?

i.e. in my code:





Alert("SELL "+Symbol()+" "+Period()+" bandwidth short");


many thanks in advance
Do something like this (the simplest way) :
static datetime lastAlerted=0;




if(_enableAlert && i==1 && lastAlerted!=Time)


lastAlerted = Time;

Alert("SELL "+Symbol()+" "+Period()+" bandwidth short");



dont know what you mean by PHP code, but using this code completely buggered my mt4 and had to reinstall, wasting several hours, although I had back up of everything.


That code could not do that to your mt4 (no mql code can do that to a mt4 neither can any coding error in mql do that to it). It even could not be compiled if you pasted it "as is"

What I posted is a modified partial code you posted (you did not post the whole code in you question, but just a part of it - all that is added is a declaration of a static variable, checking its value and assigning a new value to it - the rest is your code) And what I wrote there is just an example how you can use a static datetime variable to remember when the last alert was issued. If you wish your code to be changed then please post the whole code since this way I assumed that you know what are you doing with parts of code

Since it did not work for you, I am sorry, but the way explained in my post works OK if you apply it properly

all the best

dont know what you mean by PHP code, but using this code completely buggered my mt4 and had to reinstall, wasting several hours, although I had back up of everything.