Logarithmic spiral Indicator - predicting price and time - page 2



Hi All,

I had a free spiral (Fibonacci, I think) operating on my charts about 12 months ago.

I had trouble picking the starting reference points, BUT, it did often predict price movements with uncanny accuracy - but NOT always.

My computer had major problems a while ago and it was accidentally wiped. I will try to remember details to search, find it again on the net, and report back here.

Regards to all,



Hi Again,

Just remembered that spiral could go either clockwise or anti-clockwise - that was one of the problem areas for me.

Oh . . . oh . . . just remembered "SPIRALTRADER."

Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh, sorry, just looked up "Spiraltrader" website, and although it's still available, it's no longer free. Sorry.

Regards to All,



re LogSpiral

I came across some info on that a couple of years ago...

Log Spirals

As few as three segments may be used for proper analysis

This would equal to 270deg, or three quarters.

Step 1 Calculate the ratio

Seed Seed Ratio

497.00 362.00 1.372928177

Calculate the Inverse of the raio

1 1.372928177 0.728370221

A minimum of three segments, 270 degrees/three quadrants,

should be used when rotating counterclockwise.

Step 2 Place the seed segment values, on segments DE & EF

Step 3 Calculate the ratio

Seed Seed Ratio

859.00 497.00 1.728370221

Calculate the Inverse of the raio

1 1.728370221 0.578579744


AB = 139.88

BC = 192.05

CD = 263.67

DE = 362.00 Seed

EF = 497.00 Seed

FG = 682.35

GH = 936.81

HI = 1286.17

IJ = 1765.83

AB = 55.69

BC = 96.26

CD = 166.37

DE = 287.55

EF = 497.00 Seed

FG = 859.00 Seed

GH = 1484.67

HI = 2566.06

IJ = 4435.10


bump. I finished the same book. Looking at candle formations near the spiral turning points can make you a millionaire.

The book is the best one discussing using Fibos.


Just found the following threads (with spiral fibo indicators):



(post #85)


(post #120)

and many others on this thread:



Fib Circle indicator by cja:
