I was looking for some cool holy grail, but... - page 3


You don't need a Holy Grail

Since there isn't a Holy Grail, the fact is traders don't need one. You can make money in this business with a 40% win ratio and good money management. If you aren't disciplined and don't use proper money management, then you will fail. It doesn't matter if you have a 70% win rate.


history is in your mind and what the scholars write to teach. I know as much of what my neighbor is doing and the billions of others than I do the thoughts of my dog. Neithor does anyone else.Therefore, religeon or no religeon makes no difference. Thats only for your piece of mind and comfort that the ceo of the universe may thow you a bone once in awhile.

as it relates to this discussion... The only thing in forex is the complexity of determining whether a top or bottom is going to turn and how far the market is going to carry you.

That is the definition of what everyone is talking about. The holy grail is figuring out your edge so that we can make a lot of money. Not some theoritical religeous thought. -- that has no bearing on the market. I have been trading 3 years and believe me, its far more complex finding the edge than

I first would have imagined. It really gets down to a superior technical analyis and indictors, optimization of currencies and an ea that can beat the snot out of any manual trader abilities...... Some, that edge is only 5 pips. Others much more.


So does that mean that God let me down?


Since there isn't a Holy Grail, the fact is traders don't need one. You can make money in this business with a 40% win ratio and good money management. If you aren't disciplined and don't use proper money management, then you will fail. It doesn't matter if you have a 70% win rate.

yes, there is a wholly grail... and yes you will need one as anything less and the market will cut you to shreds. If you or your ea has a weakness--- the market will turn you into road kill Also ,,, people talk about mm and win ratio... You can lose with an 80% win rate edge because the other 20% can come all it once.. also,,,what does mm mean? double down when you lose ? or does it mean finding that fib take profit and riding it out hoping for the big move? I am not negative on forex.. its just very hard to find the edge. Its not simple or everyone would be very rich, not the 95% who are getting the snott kicked out of them.


I think it all comes down to .....did I earn it? kinda' like the Catholics? (not the priests ☺)

yes, there is a wholly grail... and yes you will need one as anything less and the market will cut you to shreds. If you or your ea has a weakness--- the market will turn you into road kill Also ,,, people talk about mm and win ratio... You can lose with an 80% win rate edge because the other 20% can come all it once.. also,,,what does mm mean? double down when you lose ? or does it mean finding that fib take profit and riding it out hoping for the big move? I am not negative on forex.. its just very hard to find the edge. Its not simple or everyone would be very rich, not the 95% who are getting the snott kicked out of them.

must have ....the other billion or so living under corrigated steal must not be praying enough eithor.


Praise the Lord...Amen

must have ....the other billion or so living under corrigated steal must not be praying enough eithor.
Any mq4 file?