Weekend data on MT4


My question is very simple

is there any way to enable weekend data on MT4 platform,

we all know that trading starts on Sunday (Asian session)

while brokers starts to give data on monday

and it makes a HUGE diffrence when you trade D1 timeframe.

The monday bar price open should be the same as friday close price,

is it posible to make monday bar open price equal with friday close ???



I found solution

If you want to have monday open time the same as friday close

you have to edit the history data

-press F2

-find your currency cross

-add date -> sunday

-edit the newly added day by entering OHLC data the same as friday close

and you have sunday data opening the same as friday close.

It will trick your indicators and they will be using the right opening price, note the indications and when monday comes use them instead of the one that brokers will feed U because they don't match the friday close and the indicators show false signals (in my case)

Today it cost me 100 pips on GbpJpy and UsdJpy (compare the friday close and monday open of those pairs and you will know what I mean)

It is useful for someone who trade D1 (like me)

and for someone for who open data is very important (like me)

For daytraders it doesn't make any diffrence I think.

I hope someone will find this tip usefull

Greets !