MT4 Files Functions Replacement. - page 12



my name is hassan

can u help me please?

i want to write web service for mq4.

what kind of c++ ( mfs static of win32 static) must I have use for this ?

my email address:

please help me.

thank you a lot.


In general you do not need C/C++ for that

You can use windows API (since the majority of things you are going to need is already written, tested and used by windows) and since windows API is easily accessible by MQL it is a time saver. Just find appropriate windows API functions you need and use them from MQL. A good starting place to find API functions you need could be this : Windows API List (Windows)

If on the other hand you are looking for brute speed, then you can use pure C/C++. I prefer Microsoft Visual studio for one main reason : they are very well documented and you will not have to guess what is what when you read it (like in some other C/C++ coding environments)


my name is hassan

can u help me please?

i want to write web service for mq4.

what kind of c++ ( mfs static of win32 static) must I have use for this ?

my email address:

please help me.

thank you a lot.