Advanced GET - page 2


Is there anyone who speaks English well that can explain how to get AGET intraday charts running in real time streaming please?


Popok, display a 5min chart in AG and look at the bottom frame

instead of times you'll see months and perhaps a year displayed

the AGData indicator creates a pseudo Daily chart for all the

intraday times, changes the original timestamp to a date so AG

will import the file and display intraday charts as a 'Daily'.

Fred, if you have AG End of Day it will not provide streaming

realtime data charts, you need the realtime version of AG.

If you were to use the AGData indicator, AG eod is close to

realtime when leaving MT4 open and updating the data in AG

by closing and re-opening AG every X minutes.


I was hoping someone was going to post a realtime version and EOD AGET with instructions how to get it working properly.


Thanks alot ace,

Popok, display a 5min chart in AG and look at the bottom frame

instead of times you'll see months and perhaps a year displayed

the AGData indicator creates a pseudo Daily chart for all the

intraday times, changes the original timestamp to a date so AG

will import the file and display intraday charts as a 'Daily'.

Fred, if you have AG End of Day it will not provide streaming

realtime data charts, you need the realtime version of AG.

If you were to use the AGData indicator, AG eod is close to

realtime when leaving MT4 open and updating the data in AG

by closing and re-opening AG every X minutes.

Yes like it would be great if someone who can speak Russian could translate and set it out for us to beable to understand and follow instructions.

aget.jpg  257 kb