Really odd: EA function gets called before OnInit()...


So this is odd. I have a function that is called before even OnInit() in my EA script. Of course this leads to problems...


Take a look. This is my initialize function:

double pips;

double BottomLevelPrice;
int LongTicketsStartLevel;
int ShortTicketsStartLevel;

int LongTickets[];
int ShortTickets[];

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   Print("OnInit = ");
   double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE);

   if (ticksize == 0.00001 || ticksize == 0.001)
      pips = ticksize*10;
      pips = ticksize;
   // init first level
   BottomLevelPrice = MathFloor((Close[0]-((double)InpLevelDistance/2*pips)) / pips) * pips; // to the nearest full pip
   LongTicketsStartLevel = 0;
   ShortTicketsStartLevel = 0;

And here is the one function that is (out of nowhere?) called even before OnInit():

int GetPriceLevel(double price)
   Print("the pips is: ", pips, " bottom level price = ", BottomLevelPrice);
   return (int)MathFloor((price-BottomLevelPrice) / (InpLevelDistance*pips));

So subsequently, the strategy tester journal looks like this:

 Strategy Tester



When GetPriceLevel() is called (again, why??), obviously the local variables such as "pips" isn't initialized yet so it is zero, which results in an error. But why is this function even called before OnInit() in the first place? What am I missing? I'm really confused!

Thanks for your help! 


It's probably in here:


Try opening the Journal (right-click > view). Sometimes all the messages aren't printed in the tester window.

It is also not a good idea to access Close[0] in OnInit()... that information might not be available yet. 

Marco vd Heijden:

It's probably in here:


Well it's just names and declerations. Here you go:


//|                                             Leveled Hedge EA.mq4 |
//|                                                              Max |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Max"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

extern int InpLevels=2; // Number of levels long / short
extern int InpTakeProfitLevels=2; // levels for take profit

extern int InpLevelDistance=30; // Level distance in pips

extern double LotSize = 0.01;
extern int MagicNumber=3;

double pips;

double BottomLevelPrice;
int LongTicketsStartLevel;




Try opening the Journal (right-click > view). Sometimes all the messages aren't printed in the tester window.

It is also not a good idea to access Close[0] in OnInit()... that information might not be available yet. 


 Well I did that but it's exactly the same information as in the tester window as far as I'm  concerned.

Tester Window 


Thanks for your tipp about Close[0]. I'll change that. Can I use Ask/Bid instead?


Post ALL the code if you want help. Otherwise it's just a waste of time.

It must be broken check { }
RichPiano: When GetPriceLevel() is called
  1. You haven't posted any code that calls that, so we can't possibly help. There are no mind readers here - we can't see your code.
  2. The order of initialization is global and static variables, then OnInit. Do you have a class with a constructor that calls things?
Alain Verleyen:

Post ALL the code if you want help. Otherwise it's just a waste of time.

 I guess you're right so here we go:


//|                                             Leveled Hedge EA.mq4 |
//|                                                              Max |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Max"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

extern int InpLevels=2; // Number of levels long / short
extern int InpTakeProfitLevels=2; // levels for take profit

extern int InpLevelDistance=30; // Level distance in pips

extern double LotSize = 0.01;
extern int MagicNumber=3;

double pips;

double BottomLevelPrice;
int LongTicketsStartLevel;
int ShortTicketsStartLevel;

int LongTickets[];
int ShortTickets[];

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   Print("OnInit = ");
   double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE);

   if (ticksize == 0.00001 || ticksize == 0.001)
      pips = ticksize*10;
      pips = ticksize;
   // init first level
   BottomLevelPrice = MathFloor((Close[0]-((double)InpLevelDistance/2*pips)) / pips) * pips; // to the nearest full pip
   LongTicketsStartLevel = 0;
   ShortTicketsStartLevel = 0;
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
   if (IsNewCandle())

bool IsNewCandle()
   static int BarsOnChart = 0;
   if (BarsOnChart == Bars)
      return (false);
   BarsOnChart = Bars;
   return (true);

void CheckForTrade()
   static int prev_level = GetPriceLevel(Close[0]);
   int curr_level = GetPriceLevel(Close[0]);
   if (curr_level != prev_level)
      // there must be hedged positions for each level
      if (GetLongTicket(curr_level) < 0) OpenLongPosition();
      if (GetShortTicket(curr_level) < 0) OpenShortPosition();
      // buy low sell high
      if (curr_level < prev_level) // buy low when price dropped
         int pos = curr_level - ShortTicketsStartLevel;
         // realize profits from positions that are in profit
         for (int i = pos+InpTakeProfitLevels; i < ArraySize(ShortTickets); i++) // look above
         // realize loss from positions that are too far away below
         for (int i = pos-InpLevels; i >= 0; i--) // look below
      else if (curr_level > prev_level) // sell high when price rises
         int pos = curr_level - LongTicketsStartLevel;
         // realize profits from positions that are in profit
         for (int i = pos-InpTakeProfitLevels; i >= 0; i--) // look below
         // realize loss from positions that are too far away above
         for (int i = pos+InpLevels; i < ArraySize(ShortTickets); i++) // look above
   prev_level = curr_level;

//--- OP_BUY
int OpenLongPosition()
   Print("OpenLongPosition ");
   double price = Ask; // always open at current price
   int level = GetPriceLevel(price);
   int ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, LotSize, price, 3, 0, 0, NULL, MagicNumber, 0, clrGreen);
   if(ticket < 0)
      Print("OrderSend failed with error #", GetLastError());
      return -1;
   // put in array
   int size = ArraySize(LongTickets);
   int pos = level - LongTicketsStartLevel;
   if (pos < 0)
      ArrayResize(LongTickets, size-pos, 10); // since pos is negative
      for (int i=size-pos-1; i >= 0; i--)
         if (i+pos < 0)
            LongTickets[i] = -1; // fill front with -1
            LongTickets[i] = LongTickets[i+pos];
      LongTicketsStartLevel = level; // new ground zero
   else if (pos >= size)
      ArrayResize(LongTickets, pos+1, 10);
      // fill back with -1 (no ticket)
      for (int i=size; i < pos+1; i++)
         LongTickets[i] = -1;
   LongTickets[pos] = ticket;
   return true;
//--- OP_SELL

int OpenShortPosition()
   Print("OpenShortPosition ");
   double price = Bid; // always open at current price
   int level = GetPriceLevel(price);
   int ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, LotSize, price, 3, 0, 0, NULL, MagicNumber, 0, clrRed);
   if(ticket < 0)
      Print("OrderSend failed with error #", GetLastError());
      return -1;
   // put in array
   int size = ArraySize(ShortTickets);
   int pos = level - ShortTicketsStartLevel;
   if (pos < 0)
      ArrayResize(ShortTickets, size-pos, 10); // since pos is negative
      for (int i=size-pos-1; i >= 0; i--)
         if (i+pos < 0)
            ShortTickets[i] = -1; // fill front with -1
            ShortTickets[i] = ShortTickets[i+pos];
      ShortTicketsStartLevel = level; // new ground zero
   else if (pos >= size)
      ArrayResize(ShortTickets, pos+1, 10);
      // fill back with -1 (no ticket)
      for (int i=size; i < pos+1; i++)
         ShortTickets[i] = -1;
   ShortTickets[pos] = ticket;
   return true;

//--- ticket

int GetLongTicket(int level)
   int pos = level - LongTicketsStartLevel;
   if (pos < 0 || pos > ArraySize(LongTickets)-1)
      return -1;
      return LongTickets[pos];
int GetShortTicket(int level)
   int pos = level - ShortTicketsStartLevel;
   if (pos < 0 || pos > ArraySize(ShortTickets)-1)
      return -1;
      return ShortTickets[pos];
//--- close

bool CloseLongPosition(int pos)
   int ticket = LongTickets[pos];

   if (OrderClose(ticket, LotSize, Bid, 3, clrRed)) // sell
      LongTickets[pos] = -1;
      return true;
   return false;

bool CloseShortPosition(int pos)
   int ticket = ShortTickets[pos];
   if (OrderClose(ticket, LotSize, Ask, 3, clrGreen)) // buy back
      ShortTickets[pos] = -1;
      return true;
   return false;
int GetPriceLevel(double price)
   Print("the pips is: ", pips, " bottom level price = ", BottomLevelPrice);
   return (int)MathFloor((price-BottomLevelPrice) / (InpLevelDistance*pips));


  1. You haven't posted any code that calls that, so we can't possibly help. There are no mind readers here - we can't see your code.
  2. The order of initialization is global and static variables, then OnInit. Do you have a class with a constructor that calls things?

The function is only called on four occasions, but none of these happen before OnInit(). I checked it. This is what leaves me clueless. The script also doesn't use any classes.


 I guess you're right so here we go:


The function is only called on four occasions, but none of these happen before OnInit(). I checked it. This is what leaves me clueless. The script also doesn't use any classes.

void CheckForTrade()
   static int prev_level = GetPriceLevel(Close[0]);
   int curr_level = GetPriceLevel(Close[0]);
A static is initialized BEFORE OnInit() so your GetPriceLevel() function is called, your message "the pips is..." is printed and you get a Zero Divide error as "pips" is 0.
Static variables exist from the moment of program execution and are initialized only once before the specialized functions OnInit() is called. If the initial values are not specified, variables of the static storage class are taking zero initial values.
Also you are using Close[0] before OnInit() so you will get sooner or later an Array Out of Range error too.
void CheckForTrade()
   static int prev_level = GetPriceLevel(Close[0]);
   int curr_level = GetPriceLevel(Close[0]);
   if (curr_level != prev_level)
      // there must be hedged positions for each level
      if (GetLongTicket(curr_level) < 0) OpenLongPosition();
      if (GetShortTicket(curr_level) < 0) OpenShortPosition();
      // buy low sell high
      if (curr_level < prev_level) // buy low when price dropped
         int pos = curr_level - ShortTicketsStartLevel;
         // realize profits from positions that are in profit
         for (int i = pos+InpTakeProfitLevels; i < ArraySize(ShortTickets); i++) // look above
         // realize loss from positions that are too far away below
         for (int i = pos-InpLevels; i >= 0; i--) // look below
      else if (curr_level > prev_level) // sell high when price rises
         int pos = curr_level - LongTicketsStartLevel;
         // realize profits from positions that are in profit
         for (int i = pos-InpTakeProfitLevels; i >= 0; i--) // look below
         // realize loss from positions that are too far away above
         for (int i = pos+InpLevels; i < ArraySize(ShortTickets); i++) // look above
   prev_level = curr_level;
You can not declare a static integer and then further on try to adjust it's value.

Ah i was too late ;)

Anyway try this:

void CheckForTrade()
   int prev_level = GetPriceLevel(Close[0]);
   int curr_level = GetPriceLevel(Close[0]);
   if (curr_level != prev_level)
      // there must be hedged positions for each level
      if (GetLongTicket(curr_level) < 0) OpenLongPosition();
      if (GetShortTicket(curr_level) < 0) OpenShortPosition();
      // buy low sell high
      if (curr_level < prev_level) // buy low when price dropped
         int pos = curr_level - ShortTicketsStartLevel;
         // realize profits from positions that are in profit
         for (int i = pos+InpTakeProfitLevels; i < ArraySize(ShortTickets); i++) // look above
         // realize loss from positions that are too far away below
         for (int i = pos-InpLevels; i >= 0; i--) // look below
      else if (curr_level > prev_level) // sell high when price rises
         int pos = curr_level - LongTicketsStartLevel;
         // realize profits from positions that are in profit
         for (int i = pos-InpTakeProfitLevels; i >= 0; i--) // look below
         // realize loss from positions that are too far away above
         for (int i = pos+InpLevels; i < ArraySize(ShortTickets); i++) // look above
   prev_level = curr_level;