Calculating Correlation


Hi All,

I'm trying to calculate the correlation coefficient between two arrays. I basically want to replicate the Excel "CORREL" function, where I input the two arrays and the function outputs the correlation value.

Does anyone have working code to do this and be willing to share it?

The best I have found so far is the code below I found on another forum, but it's giving me incorrect answers. Well answers that are different to what I get in Excel anyway!

Any help much appreciated!


#define RET_OK    0

int   PearsonCorr_r( double const &vectorX[], //   |-> INPUT X[]      = { 1, 3,  5,  5,  6 }
                     double const &vectorY[], //   |-> INPUT Y[]      = { 5, 6, 10, 12, 13 }
                     double       &pearson_r  // <=|   returns RESULT = 0.968
      double  sumX = 0,
             meanX = 0,
             meanY = 0,
              sumY = 0,
             sumXY = 0,
             sumX2 = 0,
             sumY2 = 0;
          // deviation_score_x[],               // may be re-used for _x^2
          // deviation_score_y[],               // may be re-used for _y^2
          // deviation_score_xy[];
/* =====================================================================
                  DEVIATION SCORES                                       >>>
        X[]  Y[]  x      y      xy    x^2    y^2
        1    4   -3     -5      15    9     25
        3    6   -1     -3       3    1      9
        5   10    1      1       1    1      1
        5   12    1      3       3    1      9
        6   13    2      4       8    4     16

SUM    20   45    0      0      30   16     60
MEAN    4    9    0      0       6  

       r = SUM(xy) / SQRT(  SUM( x^2 ) * SUM( y^2 ) )
       r =      30 / SQRT( 960 )
       r = 0.968

      int    vector_maxLEN = MathMin( ArrayRange( vectorX, 0 ),
                                      ArrayRange( vectorY, 0 )

      if (   vector_maxLEN == 0 ){
             pearson_r = VAL_ERROR;          // STOR VAL ERROR IN RESULT
             return(     RET_ERROR );        // FLAG RET_ERROR in JIT/RET
      for ( int jj = 0; jj < vector_maxLEN; jj++ ){
            sumX += vectorX[jj];
            sumY += vectorY[jj];
      meanX = sumX / vector_maxLEN;          // DIV!0 FUSED
      meanY = sumY / vector_maxLEN;          // DIV!0 FUSED

      for ( int jj = 0; jj < vector_maxLEN; jj++ ){
         // deviation_score_x[ jj] =   meanX - vectorX[jj];  //
         // deviation_score_y[ jj] =   meanY - vectorY[jj];
         // deviation_score_xy[jj] = deviation_score_x[jj]
         //                        * deviation_score_y[jj];
         //              sumXY    += deviation_score_x[jj]
         //                        * deviation_score_y[jj];
                         sumXY    += ( meanX - vectorX[jj] ) // PSPACE MOTIVATED MINIMALISTIC WITH CACHE-BENEFITS IN PROCESSING
                                   * ( meanY - vectorY[jj] );
         // deviation_score_x[jj] *= deviation_score_x[jj];  // PSPACE MOTIVATED RE-USE, ROW-WISE DESTRUCTIVE, BUT VALUE WAS NEVER USED AGAIN
         //              sumX2    += deviation_score_x[jj]
         //                        * deviation_score_x[jj];
                         sumX2    += ( meanX - vectorX[jj] ) // PSPACE MOTIVATED MINIMALISTIC WITH CACHE-BENEFITS IN PROCESSING
                                   * ( meanX - vectorX[jj] );
         // deviation_score_y[jj] *= deviation_score_y[jj];  // PSPACE MOTIVATED RE-USE, ROW-WISE DESTRUCTIVE, BUT VALUE WAS NEVER USED AGAIN
         //              sumY2    += deviation_score_y[jj]
         //                        * deviation_score_y[jj];
                         sumY2    += ( meanY - vectorY[jj] ) // PSPACE MOTIVATED MINIMALISTIC WITH CACHE-BENEFITS IN PROCESSING
                                   * ( meanY - vectorY[jj] );
      pearson_r = sumXY
                / MathSqrt( sumX2
                          * sumY2
                            );            // STOR RET VALUE IN RESULT
      return( RET_OK );                   // FLAG RET_OK in JIT/RET
James Parker:

Hi All,

I'm trying to calculate the correlation coefficient between two arrays. I basically want to replicate the Excel "CORREL" function, where I input the two arrays and the function outputs the correlation value.

Does anyone have working code to do this and be willing to share it?

The best I have found so far is the code below I found on another forum, but it's giving me incorrect answers. Well answers that are different to what I get in Excel anyway!

Any help much appreciated!


#define RET_OK    0

int   PearsonCorr_r( double const &vectorX[], //   |-> INPUT X[]      = { 1, 3,  5,  5,  6 }
                     double const &vectorY[], //   |-> INPUT Y[]      = { 5, 6, 10, 12, 13 }
                     double       &pearson_r  // <=|   returns RESULT = 0.968
      double  sumX = 0,
             meanX = 0,
             meanY = 0,
              sumY = 0,
             sumXY = 0,
             sumX2 = 0,
             sumY2 = 0;
          // deviation_score_x[],               // may be re-used for _x^2
          // deviation_score_y[],               // may be re-used for _y^2
          // deviation_score_xy[];
/* =====================================================================
                  DEVIATION SCORES                                       >>>
        X[]  Y[]  x      y      xy    x^2    y^2
        1    4   -3     -5      15    9     25
        3    6   -1     -3       3    1      9
        5   10    1      1       1    1      1
        5   12    1      3       3    1      9
        6   13    2      4       8    4     16

SUM    20   45    0      0      30   16     60
MEAN    4    9    0      0       6  

       r = SUM(xy) / SQRT(  SUM( x^2 ) * SUM( y^2 ) )
       r =      30 / SQRT( 960 )
       r = 0.968

      int    vector_maxLEN = MathMin( ArrayRange( vectorX, 0 ),
                                      ArrayRange( vectorY, 0 )

      if (   vector_maxLEN == 0 ){
             pearson_r = VAL_ERROR;          // STOR VAL ERROR IN RESULT
             return(     RET_ERROR );        // FLAG RET_ERROR in JIT/RET
      for ( int jj = 0; jj < vector_maxLEN; jj++ ){
            sumX += vectorX[jj];
            sumY += vectorY[jj];
      meanX = sumX / vector_maxLEN;          // DIV!0 FUSED
      meanY = sumY / vector_maxLEN;          // DIV!0 FUSED

      for ( int jj = 0; jj < vector_maxLEN; jj++ ){
         // deviation_score_x[ jj] =   meanX - vectorX[jj];  //
         // deviation_score_y[ jj] =   meanY - vectorY[jj];
         // deviation_score_xy[jj] = deviation_score_x[jj]
         //                        * deviation_score_y[jj];
         //              sumXY    += deviation_score_x[jj]
         //                        * deviation_score_y[jj];
                         sumXY    += ( meanX - vectorX[jj] ) // PSPACE MOTIVATED MINIMALISTIC WITH CACHE-BENEFITS IN PROCESSING
                                   * ( meanY - vectorY[jj] );
         // deviation_score_x[jj] *= deviation_score_x[jj];  // PSPACE MOTIVATED RE-USE, ROW-WISE DESTRUCTIVE, BUT VALUE WAS NEVER USED AGAIN
         //              sumX2    += deviation_score_x[jj]
         //                        * deviation_score_x[jj];
                         sumX2    += ( meanX - vectorX[jj] ) // PSPACE MOTIVATED MINIMALISTIC WITH CACHE-BENEFITS IN PROCESSING
                                   * ( meanX - vectorX[jj] );
         // deviation_score_y[jj] *= deviation_score_y[jj];  // PSPACE MOTIVATED RE-USE, ROW-WISE DESTRUCTIVE, BUT VALUE WAS NEVER USED AGAIN
         //              sumY2    += deviation_score_y[jj]
         //                        * deviation_score_y[jj];
                         sumY2    += ( meanY - vectorY[jj] ) // PSPACE MOTIVATED MINIMALISTIC WITH CACHE-BENEFITS IN PROCESSING
                                   * ( meanY - vectorY[jj] );
      pearson_r = sumXY
                / MathSqrt( sumX2
                          * sumY2
                            );            // STOR RET VALUE IN RESULT
      return( RET_OK );                   // FLAG RET_OK in JIT/RET
Check here :
#include <Math\Stat\Math.mqh>
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   double buf1[],buf2[];
   int copied1=CopyClose("EURJPY",NULL,1,100,buf1);
   int copied2=CopyClose("USDJPY",NULL,1,100,buf2);
   double pearson,spearman,kendall;
      PrintFormat("Pearson =%5.8f",pearson);
      PrintFormat("Spearman =%5.8f",spearman);
      PrintFormat("Kendall =%5.8f",kendall);

Mladen Rakic:
Check here :

Thank you!

Indicator will be very useful! 

#include <Math\Stat\Math.mqh>
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   double buf1[],buf2[];
   int copied1=CopyClose("EURJPY",NULL,1,100,buf1);
   int copied2=CopyClose("USDJPY",NULL,1,100,buf2);
   double pearson,spearman,kendall;
      PrintFormat("Pearson =%5.8f",pearson);
      PrintFormat("Spearman =%5.8f",spearman);
      PrintFormat("Kendall =%5.8f",kendall);

Thanks. Do you know where I can get the Math.mqh include file?

Quick update on this - I have it working now.

I had a problem with the arrays I was feeding into the function!

Thanks for the responses all.