mql4 - hash.mqh - invalid pointer access


I have a problem.
When a use hash.mqh in EA then I have a bug
I attached my EA but dont attached dll file.

log file:

2017.01.12 19:37:37.572 hashtest USDCHF,H1: invalid pointer access in 'hash.mqh' (631,24)
2017.01.12 19:37:36.249 hashtest USDCHF,H1: checkHash:true
2017.01.12 19:37:36.249 hashtest USDCHF,H1: DELETE:54777209
2017.01.12 19:37:33.613 hashtest USDCHF,H1: checkHash:true
2017.01.12 19:37:33.613 hashtest USDCHF,H1: DELETE:54777206
2017.01.12 19:37:33.099 hashtest USDCHF,H1: checkHash:true
2017.01.12 19:37:33.099 hashtest USDCHF,H1: DELETE:54777205
2017.01.12 19:37:15.704 hashtest USDCHF,H1: initialized
2017.01.12 19:37:15.690 hashtest USDCHF,H1 inputs: username=1; 

Unfortunately I can not find what could be the problem

Can you help me?


hashtest.mq4  21 kb
The bug is in hash.mqh, so if you don't provide the file how can you hope to get help ?