Logic error in current bar


Hi Techies,


I need to initiate order when the current bar is opened at some price and moved 5 pips high or low and return to the open price

Please help me. 




Hi, what have you got so far?
Hi, what have you got so far?
I am not able to calculate the current price moved to 5 pips or not and returned to opened price.
int Direction() 
   int direction=NEUTRAL;
   static double price[3];
   if(price[2] - price[0] >= 0.00006)
      while(price[2] == price[0])
        Alert(price[2], price[0]);
         return direction = UP;
   if(price[0] - price[2] >= 0.00006)
      while(price[2] == price[0])
        Alert(price[2], price[0]);
         return direction = DOWN;

If this is what you want:


I need to initiate order when the current bar is opened at some price and moved 5 pips high or low and return to the open price

You can make it easier.

Is this MQL4? 

Compare Open[0] to High[0] - this should be greater than 5 pips.

Compare Open[0] to Close[0] - this will tell you if price has returned to the open price.

Use Volume[0] if you want it to happen within so many ticks.

You also might want to change this:

  if(price[2] - price[0] >= 0.00006)

It won't work on JPY crosses, or 4 digit brokers.

I am able to get the prices of current bar but the validation is problem for me
yes this is MQL4

you mean to say the below code will work:


if((High[0] - Open[0] >= 0.0005) && (Open[0] == Close[0])){

//initiate Buy 


That's the general gist of it.

A few extra things to consider...

I would do Open[0]<=Close[0] rather than ==

I would restrict how many orders can be placed each bar. Otherwise, if price stays below the Open it will keep firing off buy orders. 

grknaveen: you mean to say the below code will work:
if((High[0] - Open[0] >= 0.0005) && (Open[0] == Close[0])){
   //initiate Buy
  1. Don't paste code
    Play video
    Please edit your post.
    For large amounts of code, attach it.

  2. You are not adjusting for 4/5 digit brokers/JPY pairs. (5 * pip)
    double   pip        = StringFind(_Symbol,"JPY") < 0 ? 0.01 : 0.0001;
    int      pip_digits = (int)MathLog10(pip/_Point);
    int      slippage   = 3 * int(pip / _Point);

  3. The two values will never be equal The == operand. - MQL4 forum as honest_knave pointed out.