Huge Chart Discrepancy - page 2

supercallim: No i did not set to a future date. My anchor points are of past candlesticks.

Attached shows the properties of my Trendline on Weekly. I assume i did it right?

In that case, have you checked your chart for "missing" days as previously explained?

Hello Fernando,

No i did not set to a future date. My anchor points are of past candlesticks.

Attached shows the properties of my Trendline on Weekly.

I assume i did it right?

What I said for anchor point in future could also be for anchor point in past if you don't have enough data. Your first point is 2007.11.07, do you have D1 data from this date ?

Look at it this way.

Say your 2 anchor points are on the week's highs

Now the first high that you anchor to may have occurred on a Wednesday and the second on a Friday, but in both cases, they will be anchored to the Monday on the Daily chart.

Trendlines are only truly accurate for the time-frame that they are drawn on.

Keith Watford:

Look at it this way.

Say your 2 anchor points are on the week's highs

Now the first high that you anchor to may have occurred on a Wednesday and the second on a Friday, but in both cases, they will be anchored to the Monday on the Daily chart.

Trendlines are only truly accurate for the time-frame that they are drawn on.

Right, but that's an other point, and I don't think it could explain such difference, but on slight difference (except maybe if you fall on a big spike).

Also your point is not totally exact. The first day of week (date of a weekly candle) is always the Sunday. So if your daily chart has Sunday candle, it will be anchored to Sunday (not Monday), and if there is no Sunday, it will be anchored to previous day, so usually a Friday.

So the recommendation is to draw them on lowest timeframe.

Fernando Carreiro:
In that case, have you checked your chart for "missing" days as previously explained?

Missing days as in the Weekend candlesticks? Mine show Monday to Fridays candles. 5 candles per week

Keith Watford:

Look at it this way.

Say your 2 anchor points are on the week's highs

Now the first high that you anchor to may have occurred on a Wednesday and the second on a Friday, but in both cases, they will be anchored to the Monday on the Daily chart.

Trendlines are only truly accurate for the time-frame that they are drawn on.

I went down to Daily timeframe and have checked. The anchor points are on the exact day of the week where Price was at that High. Not anchored on a Monday like you said

Alain Verleyen:
What I said for anchor point in future could also be for anchor point in past if you don't have enough data. Your first point is 2007.11.07, do you have D1 data from this date ?

Yes my first point on the 2007.11.07 is a data i have on my chart (attached). I only anchor points on data that is available on my chart. 

to add: my chart does not have Sundays candlesticks so it starts on Mondays and ends on Fridays
Alain Verleyen:

Right, but that's an other point, and I don't think it could explain such difference, but on slight difference (except maybe if you fall on a big spike).

Also your point is not totally exact. The first day of week (date of a weekly candle) is always the Sunday. So if your daily chart has Sunday candle, it will be anchored to Sunday (not Monday), and if there is no Sunday, it will be anchored to previous day, so usually a Friday.

So the recommendation is to draw them on lowest timeframe.

Oops, yes you are right, the week starts on a Sunday. Sorry about that. But I do believe that the anchor points make a difference in the lower time-frames
Keith Watford:
Oops, yes you are right, the week starts on a Sunday. Sorry about that. But I do believe that the anchor points make a difference in the lower time-frames
Yes they are, but what I am saying is it can't explain to discussed case (I think).

I went down to Daily timeframe and have checked. The anchor points are on the exact day of the week where Price was at that High. Not anchored on a Monday like you said

That is not possible, if you put a trendline on the weekly chart the time anchor will be the first day of the week. It does not matter which day the high occurred.
supercallim: Missing days as in the Weekend candlesticks? Mine show Monday to Fridays candles. 5 candles per week

Yes, I have already explained all that! Even if you have a Monday to Friday week, there could be missing days or even extra days (Sunday/Saturday) during the Daylight savings change-overs because US DST and EU DST do not occur at the same time.

Alain, Keith and myself have put forward various reasons for the discrepancies. Since you have claimed that the other reasons are not the case, put in the effort and verify the situation about the missing or extra days.

If your coding is up to par, you could as an exercise, code a short script to test for missing days or extra days, depending on the situation.

supercallim: My anchor points are of past candlesticks.
You created them on the W1, so the time is the W1 time, the beginning of the week.
They are not attached to any D1 candle, the price is correct, but not the time, unless it just happened to be the first day of the week.
If you want to see your line on lower timeframes, you must go to the D1 and move the anchors to the corresponding D1 candle, then repeat for all lower TFs.