Newbie needs a bit of help with Indicator


Hi, this is my first post and my first MQL4 project - writing code for the %B indicator.

I've used a combination of copy/paste and reading both the online book, articles & a Metatrader book to write my first code.

I hope I've understood buffers and most things correctly. The compiler says there's nothing wrong.

EXCEPT it doesn't actually draw the indicator line.

I've attached the mq4 file.


If anyone could help that would be much appreciated. Thanks.

zbpv.3.mq4  7 kb

(Without testing!)

I assume there is zero divide error in line 129


could be zero at the beginning of the chart...


OK. (Thanks for looking btw) .. Yes, my inclination was / is it's something around the area "how it starts"

I have to say that was the area I understood the least. Hmm ...

How would I get around that? Like - How could I make it "wait" until it wasn't?


' Cuz I thought this:

      for(i=0; i<pBperiod; i++)


... was the "making it wait" bit


1) Look into the expert tab for the log entries!!

2) check not to risk zero divide like: if ( ...== 0.0) continue; // skip


Ahh, OK. Great - thank you! I didn't know that was there ... Yes, the messages I get are, e.g.: %B v.3 EURUSD, M5: zero divide in '%B v.3.mq4' (129,60)

The formula needs that, as its: %b = (price-lower)/(upper-lower)

where price = last price, lower = lower bollinger band value, upper = upper bollinger band value.

Hmm. OK. Hehe.

It can be done somehow because I see at least one other person has the %b indicator as a free download.

Do you mean by "not to risk zero divide like: if ( ...== 0.0) continue;" ... that is how to get around it? By inserting a 'continue' operator ...


So I inserted this:

//--- %b
      double UminusL;
      UminusL = (UpperBuffer[i]-LowerBuffer[i]);
      if (UminusL == 0.00) continue;


And it now produces a line on the indicator. it's still obviously not quite right, but thank you very much for your help.