Drawing a rectangle level object in the background of a text level object.


I want to show the OBJ_LEBEL above the OBJ_RECTANGLE_LEBEL object

if I made the OBJPROP_BACK set to false then it draws a solid rectangle but doesn't shows the text data for OBJ_Level

if I made the OBJPROP_BACK set to true then it text are shown above the rectangle but background chart shows up too.

How to solve this problem?

Thank you

I want to show the OBJ_LEVEL above the OBJ_RECTANGLE_LEVEL object.

There is no such objects...you mean LABEL I suppose.

Draw your rectangle, then your label.

If not working show your code.


There is no such objects...you mean LABEL I suppose.

Draw your rectangle, then your label.

If not working show your code.

Sorry typo mistake. Corrected.

Your Suggestion worked.

Thank you