How to handle "event handling function"


Hi there !

I found this and then tried to compile it but the code is giving me 3 errors: 

'}' - unexpected end of program

'{' - unbalanced parentheses

event handling function not found  


Here is the code:


//|                    PSAR Trader                                   |
//|                                                                  |

#property copyright "Copyright © 2012"
#property link      "Mql5"

//---- input parameters
input string    Visit=" for more products";
input string    SignalsAndManagedAccounts="";
input double    Lots=0.1;
input int       Slip=5;
input string    StopSettings="Set stops below";
input double    TakeProfit=50;
input double    StopLoss=50;
input string    PSARsettings="Parabolic sar settings follow";
input double    Step    =0.001;   //Parabolic setting
input double    Maximum =0.2;    //Parabolic setting
input bool      CloseOnOpposite=true;
input string    TimeSettings="Set the hour range the EA should trade";
input int       StartHour=0;
input int       EndHour=23;

//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
int digits=MarketInfo("EURUSD",12);
int StopMultd=10;
int Slippage=Slip*StopMultd;

int MagicNumber1=220101,MagicNumber2=220102,i,closesell=0,closebuy=0;


double  TP=NormalizeDouble(TakeProfit*StopMultd,_Digits);
double  SL=NormalizeDouble(StopLoss*StopMultd,_Digits);

double slb=NormalizeDouble(Ask-SL*_Point,_Digits);
double sls=NormalizeDouble(Bid+SL*_Point,_Digits);

double tpb=NormalizeDouble(Ask+TP*_Point,_Digits);
double tps=NormalizeDouble(Bid-TP*_Point,_Digits);

//Check open orders
  for(i=1; i<=OrdersTotal(); i++)          // Cycle searching in orders
      if (OrderSelect(i-1,0)==true) // If the next is available
          if(OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber1) {int halt1=1;}
          if(OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber2) {int halt2=1;}

// time check
int TradeTimeOk=1;
{ TradeTimeOk=0; }
// Bar checks


// Opening criteria

Comment("For more goodies, managed accounts, forex signals and premium EAs visit");

// Open buy
 if((iSAR(NULL, 0,Step,Maximum, 0)<iClose(NULL,0,0))&&(iSAR(NULL, 0,Step,Maximum, 1)>iClose(NULL,0,1))&&(TradeTimeOk==1)){
 int openbuy=OrderSend(_Symbol,0,Lots,Ask,Slippage,0,0,"PSAR trader buy order",MagicNumber1,0,Blue);

// Open sell
 if((iSAR(NULL, 0,Step,Maximum, 0)>iClose(NULL,0,0))&&(iSAR(NULL, 0,Step,Maximum, 1)<iClose(NULL,0,1))&&(TradeTimeOk==1)){
 int opensell=OrderSend(_Symbol,1,Lots,Bid,Slippage,0,0,"PSAR trader sell order",MagicNumber2,0,Green);


// Closing criteria

if(closesell==1||closebuy==1||openbuy<1||opensell<1){// start

  for(i=1; i<=OrdersTotal(); i++){          // Cycle searching in orders
      if (OrderSelect(i-1,0)==true){ // If the next is available
          if(OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber1&&closebuy==1) { OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,Slippage,CLR_NONE); }
          if(OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber2&&closesell==1) { OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,Slippage,CLR_NONE); }
          // set stops
          if((OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber1)&&(OrderTakeProfit()==0)&&(OrderSymbol()==_Symbol)){ OrderModify(OrderTicket(),0,OrderStopLoss(),tpb,0,CLR_NONE); }
          if((OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber2)&&(OrderTakeProfit()==0)&&(OrderSymbol()==_Symbol)){ OrderModify(OrderTicket(),0,OrderStopLoss(),tps,0,CLR_NONE); }
          if((OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber1)&&(OrderStopLoss()==0)&&(OrderSymbol()==_Symbol)){ OrderModify(OrderTicket(),0,slb,OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE); }
          if((OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber2)&&(OrderStopLoss()==0)&&(OrderSymbol()==_Symbol)){ OrderModify(OrderTicket(),0,sls,OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE); }


}// stop

int Error=GetLastError();
  if(Error==130){Alert("Wrong stops. Retrying."); //RefreshRates();}
  if(Error==133){Alert("Trading prohibited.");}
  if(Error==2){Alert("Common error.");}
  if(Error==146){Alert("Trading subsystem is busy. Retrying."); Sleep(500); //RefreshRates();}


//********************************************  Emulation *******************************************
double Ask;
double Bid;
double Bars;
double Open[];
double Close[];
double High[];
double Low[];
datetime Time[];
long Volume[];

void Set_Values_to_variables()
   MqlTick last_tick;
void OnTick()
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime &time[], const double &open[], const double &high[], 
                const double &low[], const double &close[], const long &tick_volume[], const long &volume[], const int &spread[])     
int Hour()
   MqlDateTime tm;
      case 0: return(PERIOD_CURRENT);
      case 1: return(PERIOD_M1);
      case 5: return(PERIOD_M5);
      case 15: return(PERIOD_M15);
      case 30: return(PERIOD_M30);
      case 60: return(PERIOD_H1);
      case 240: return(PERIOD_H4);
      case 1440: return(PERIOD_D1);
      case 10080: return(PERIOD_W1);
      case 43200: return(PERIOD_MN1);
      case 2: return(PERIOD_M2);
      case 3: return(PERIOD_M3);
      case 4: return(PERIOD_M4);      
      case 6: return(PERIOD_M6);
      case 10: return(PERIOD_M10);
      case 12: return(PERIOD_M12);
      case 16385: return(PERIOD_H1);
      case 16386: return(PERIOD_H2);
      case 16387: return(PERIOD_H3);
      case 16388: return(PERIOD_H4);
      case 16390: return(PERIOD_H6);
      case 16392: return(PERIOD_H8);
      case 16396: return(PERIOD_H12);
      case 16408: return(PERIOD_D1);
      case 32769: return(PERIOD_W1);
      case 49153: return(PERIOD_MN1);      

      default: return(PERIOD_CURRENT);


 Can some expert help me where is the problem ?



This code is a mix mql4 and mql5. Personally I don't have time to waste with such things sorry.
This code is a mix mql4 and mql5. Personally I don't have time to waste with such things sorry.

I don't see your name anywhere to do the job. I have seen your other posts too and felt the heat out of your posts.

No need for it. 


I don't see your name anywhere to do the job. I have seen your other posts too and felt the heat out of your posts.

No need for it. 


You are saying "I don't have time to waste with such things". This is derogatory and I find it unnecessary for anyone here to write if he doesn't want to help. What is this forum for ? I posted a code to ask for some help. You said its a mixed code. If you don't want to help in anyway, no need to write that.

That's what I said. :)


You are saying "I don't have time to waste with such things". This is derogatory and I find it unnecessary for anyone here to write if he doesn't want to help. What is this forum for ? I posted a code to ask for some help. You said its a mixed code. If you don't want to help in anyway, no need to write that.

That's what I said. :)

I helped you, for the last time, saying you this code is a mess and mix 2 languages. The forum isn't to get things for free. About programming, it's to help people who wants to learn to code, and post THEIR attempts.

If you want a coder, please use the Jobs section and don't waste time of people trying to help others. You never helps nobody here.


I helped you, for the last time, saying you this code is a mess and mix 2 languages. The forum isn't to get things for free. About programming, it's to help people who wants to learn to code, and post THEIR attempts.

If you want a coder, please use the Jobs section and don't waste time of people trying to help others. You never helps nobody here.

I don't want to argue with you but you are being rude now.


I am out of this. 


I don't want to argue with you but you are being rude now.


I am out of this. 

Rude ?  where ?

Where is OrderMagicNumber() declared ?

Where is  OrderTakeProfit() declared ?

Where is  OrderModify() declared ?

Where is  OrderStopLoss() declared ?

Where is OrderLots() declared ?

Where is NormalizeDouble() declared ?




do you really expect this code to compile ?