Two questions from a MT4 newbie...


I'm a long time trader but a complete newbie on MT4. So... I am hoping someone here can answer the following questions:

1. Is there any way I can make text larger in MT4 (in 'Terminal', and also the prices displayed at the side of a chart)?

2. Is there any way to display 'cost per pip' when setting up an order (or even once the order has opened and is displayed within 'Trade' in 'Terminal')?

In my present platform (FXCM Trading Station) I can easily set things to look just the way I like... but MT4 seems a little less accommodating on first play. Hope I'm wrong about that! Thanks in advance.



1. It is only on recent builds of MT4 where text became larger so I suggest updating your copy - if you haven't done so already (release 950). Other than that, we can not really resize text in MetaTrader 4 

2. I am afraid you are going to have a program to do that one; maybe there are a bunch of around the market/code base (up here) or forums 


best regards