

Hi friends,

 When I want to use StrToInteger or StringToInteger functions it results to -1 .

does anyone know about the problem ? how can I fix this issue ?

thank you all 


When I want to use StrToInteger or StringToInteger functions it results to -1 .

does anyone know about the problem ? how can I fix this issue ?

  1. No it doesn't
     void OnStart()
      string s = "-123";
      int    i = StrToInteger(s);
      PrintFormat("s='%s' i=%i", s,i);
    // 2015.10.09 10:09:22.101    testscr AUDUSD,H4: s='123' i=123
    // 2015.10.09 10:10:06.869    testscr AUDUSD,H4: s='-123' i=-123
  2. Print your variables and show us your code and output.

thank you ,

it is solved, I found out that the size of my number was bigger than what is permitted for an int type.(even for long or ulong ones)