please help fix this label function


my function call line in start() is

  LN(1,"+ 100", H, White);

my function is

void LN(double n, string nm, double val, color CL)


   string NN = nm + DoubleToStr(n,0);





   string nmL = NN + "_Label";

   double VL = ObjectGet(NN,OBJPROP_PRICE1)







my problem is that line labels are not being shown on chart, i know i am doing something wrong but after countless hours of wasting time i decided to look for expert opinion

please guide


Pleas use variable names that help to recognise what they are.

Even your small section of code is not easy to follow


 A label uses x and y pixels as co-ordinates, not time and price


Pleas use variable names that help to recognise what they are.

Even your small section of code is not easy to follow

 A label uses x and y pixels as co-ordinates, not time and price
